Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods for parsing Parangonada csv files
import os
import numpy as np

from typing import List

from partitura.performance import PerformedPart, Performance
from partitura.utils.misc import PathLike, deprecated_alias

    onset_sec=("onset_sec", "f4"),
    duration_sec=("duration_sec", "f4"),
    onset_beat=("onset_beat", "f4"),
    duration_beat=("duration_beat", "f4"),
    onset_quarter=("onset_quarter", "f4"),
    duration_quarter=("duration_quarter", "f4"),
    onset_div=("onset_div", "i4"),
    duration_div=("duration_div", "i4"),
    pitch=("pitch", "i4"),
    voice=("voice", "i4"),
    velocity=("velocity", "i4"),
    track=("track", "i4"),
    channel=("channel", "i4"),
    id=("id", "U256"),

__all__ = [

def _load_csv(filename: PathLike) -> np.ndarray:
    Load a CSV file where the headers are one of the note array columns
    and return a structured array

    filename: PathLike
        Path of the CSV file

    struct_array: np.ndarray
        Structured array
    raw_array = np.loadtxt(

    columns = raw_array[0]
    dtypes = [NOTE_ARRAY_DTYPES.get(c, (c, "U256")) for c in columns]

    struct_array = np.empty(len(raw_array) - 1, dtype=dtypes)
    for i, (c, dt) in enumerate(zip(columns, dtypes)):
        if dt[-1] == "i4":
            # Weird behavior trying to cast 0.0 as an integer
            struct_array[c] = raw_array[1:, i].astype(float).astype(int)
            struct_array[c] = raw_array[1:, i].astype(dt[-1])

    return struct_array

def load_parangonada_alignment(filename) -> List[dict]:
    load an alignment exported from parangonda.

    filename : str
        A path to the alignment csv file

    alignment : list
        A list of note alignment dictionaries.
    array = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype=str, delimiter=",")
    alignment = list()
    # match = 0, deletion  = 1, insertion = 2
    for k in range(1, array.shape[0]):
        if int(array[k, 1]) == 0:
                    "label": "match",
                    "score_id": array[k, 2],
                    "performance_id": array[k, 3],

        elif int(array[k, 1]) == 2:
            alignment.append({"label": "insertion", "performance_id": array[k, 3]})

        elif int(array[k, 1]) == 1:
            alignment.append({"label": "deletion", "score_id": array[k, 2]})
    return alignment

[docs]def load_parangonada_csv(dirname: PathLike, create_score: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Load Parangonada Project alignment files Parameters ---------- dirname : PathLike Directory with the CSV files in Parangonada create_score: bool Create a score. For now it just creats a note array, but the argument name was chosen to be consistent with `load_match`. Returns ------- performance : partitura.performance.Performance The performance in the alignment alignment : List of dict The main alignment zalignment : List of dict The secondary alignment (for comparing the first one) feature : np.ndarray A structured array with note-level feature information score_note_array A note array containing note information in the score. Will change to a score object in a future release! """ # Will the names change in the future? perf_note_array_fn = os.path.join(dirname, "ppart.csv") score_note_array_fn = os.path.join(dirname, "part.csv") alignment_fn = os.path.join(dirname, "align.csv") feature_fn = os.path.join(dirname, "feature.csv") zalign_fn = os.path.join(dirname, "zalign.csv") perf_note_array = _load_csv(perf_note_array_fn) performed_part = PerformedPart.from_note_array(perf_note_array) performance = Performance( performedparts=performed_part, id=dirname, ) feature = _load_csv(feature_fn) alignment = load_parangonada_alignment(alignment_fn) zalignment = load_parangonada_alignment(zalign_fn) if create_score: # TODO: Generate a Score score_note_array = _load_csv(score_note_array_fn) return ( performance, alignment, zalignment, feature, score_note_array, ) else: return ( performance, alignment, zalignment, feature, )
@deprecated_alias(outfile="filename") def load_alignment_from_ASAP(filename: PathLike) -> List[dict]: """ load a note alignment of the ASAP dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str A path to the alignment tsv file Returns ------- alignment : list A list of note alignment dictionaries. """ alignment = list() with open(filename, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): fields = line.split("\t") if fields[0][0] == "n" and "deletion" not in fields[1]: alignment.append( { "label": "match", "score_id": fields[0], "performance_id": fields[1], } ) elif fields[0] == "insertion": alignment.append({"label": "insertion", "performance_id": fields[1]}) elif fields[0][0] == "n" and "deletion" in fields[1]: alignment.append({"label": "deletion", "score_id": fields[0]}) return alignment