Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods for importing and exporting symbolic music formats.
from typing import Union
import os

from .importmusicxml import load_musicxml
from .importmidi import load_score_midi, load_performance_midi
from .musescore import load_via_musescore
from .importmatch import load_match
from .importmei import load_mei
from .importkern import load_kern
from .importparangonada import load_parangonada_csv
from .exportparangonada import save_parangonada_csv
from .importmusic21 import load_music21

from partitura.utils.misc import (

from partitura.score import Score, Part, merge_parts
from partitura.performance import Performance

class NotSupportedFormatError(Exception):

[docs]@deprecated_alias(score_fn="filename") @deprecated_parameter("ensure_list") def load_score(filename: PathLike, force_note_ids="keep") -> Score: """ Load a score format supported by partitura. Currently the accepted formats are MusicXML, MIDI, Kern and MEI, plus all formats for which MuseScore has support import-support (requires MuseScore 4 or 3). Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like object Filename of the score to parse, or a file-like object force_note_ids : (None, bool or "keep") When True each Note in the returned Part(s) will have a newly assigned unique id attribute. Existing note id attributes in the input file will be discarded. If 'keep', only notes without a note id will be assigned one. If None or False, the notes in the resulting Part(s) will have an id only if the input file has ids for the notes. Returns ------- scr: :class:`partitura.score.Score` A score instance. """ extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower() if extension in (".mxl", ".xml", ".musicxml"): # Load MusicXML return load_musicxml( filename=filename, force_note_ids=force_note_ids, ) elif extension in [".midi", ".mid"]: # Load MIDI if (force_note_ids is None) or (not force_note_ids): assign_note_ids = False else: assign_note_ids = True return load_score_midi( filename=filename, assign_note_ids=assign_note_ids, ) elif extension in [".mei"]: # Load MEI return load_mei(filename=filename) elif extension in [".kern", ".krn"]: return load_kern( filename=filename, force_note_ids=force_note_ids, ) elif extension in [ ".mscz", ".mscx", ".musescore", ".mscore", ".ms", ".kar", ".md", ".cap", ".capx", ".bww", ".mgu", ".sgu", ".ove", ".scw", ".ptb", ".gtp", ".gp3", ".gp4", ".gp5", ".gpx", ".gp", ]: # Load MuseScore return load_via_musescore( filename=filename, force_note_ids=force_note_ids, ) elif extension in [".match"]: # Load the score information from a Matchfile _, _, score = load_match( filename=filename, create_score=True, ) return score else: raise NotSupportedFormatError( f"{extension} file extension is not supported. If this should be supported, consider editing partitura/io/ file" )
[docs]def load_score_as_part(filename: PathLike) -> Part: """ load part helper function: Load a score format supported by partitura and merge the result in a single part Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like object Filename of the score to parse, or a file-like object Returns ------- part: :class:`partitura.score.Part` A part instance. """ scr = load_score(filename) part = merge_parts( return part
# alias lp = load_score_as_part
[docs]@deprecated_alias(performance_fn="filename") def load_performance( filename: PathLike, default_bpm: Union[float, int] = 120, merge_tracks: bool = False, first_note_at_zero: bool = False, pedal_threshold: int = 64, ) -> Performance: """ Load a performance format supported by partitura. Currently the accepted formats are MIDI and matchfiles. Parameters ---------- filename: str or file-like object Filename of the score to parse, or a file-like object default_bpm : number, optional Tempo to use wherever the MIDI does not specify a tempo. Defaults to 120. merge_tracks: bool, optional For MIDI files, merges all tracks into a single track. first_note_at_zero: bool, optional Remove silence at the beginning, so that the first note (or first MIDI message, e.g., pedal) starts at time 0. pedal_threshold: int Threshold for the sustain pedal. Returns ------- performance: :class:`partitura.performance.Performance` A `Performance` instance. TODO ---- * Force loading scores as PerformedParts? """ from import remove_silence_from_performed_part performance = None # Catch exceptions exception_dictionary = dict() try: performance = load_performance_midi( filename=filename, default_bpm=default_bpm, merge_tracks=merge_tracks, ) # set threshold for sustain pedal performance[0].sustain_pedal_threshold = pedal_threshold if first_note_at_zero: remove_silence_from_performed_part(performance[0]) except Exception as e: exception_dictionary["midi"] = e try: performance, _ = load_match( filename=filename, first_note_at_zero=first_note_at_zero, pedal_threshold=pedal_threshold, ) except Exception as e: exception_dictionary["match"] = e if performance is None: for file_format, exception in exception_dictionary.items(): print(f"Error loading score as {file_format}:") print(exception) raise NotSupportedFormatError return performance