Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods for parsing matchfiles
import os
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, Callable, List
import warnings
from functools import partial
import numpy as np

from partitura import score
from partitura.score import Part, Score
from partitura.performance import PerformedPart, Performance
from partitura.musicanalysis import estimate_voices, estimate_key

from import (
    parse_matchline as parse_matchlinev0,
    MatchInfo as MatchInfoV0,
    MatchMeta as MatchMetaV0,
    MatchSnote as MatchSnoteV0,
    MatchNote as MatchNoteV0,
    MatchSnoteNote as MatchSnoteNoteV0,
    MatchSnoteDeletion as MatchSnoteDeletionV0,
    MatchSnoteTrailingScore as MatchSnoteTrailingScoreV0,
    MatchInsertionNote as MatchInsertionNoteV0,
    MatchHammerBounceNote as MatchHammerBounceNoteV0,
    MatchTrailingPlayedNote as MatchTrailingPlayedNoteV0,
    MatchSustainPedal as MatchSustainPedalV0,
    MatchSoftPedal as MatchSoftPedalV0,
    MatchTrillNote as MatchTrillNoteV0,

from import (
    MatchInfo as MatchInfoV1,
    MatchScoreProp as MatchScorePropV1,
    MatchSection as MatchSectionV1,
    MatchStime as MatchStimeV1,
    MatchPtime as MatchPtimeV1,
    MatchStimePtime as MatchStimePtimeV1,
    MatchSnote as MatchSnoteV1,
    MatchNote as MatchNoteV1,
    MatchSnoteNote as MatchSnoteNoteV1,
    MatchSnoteDeletion as MatchSnoteDeletionV1,
    MatchInsertionNote as MatchInsertionNoteV1,
    MatchSustainPedal as MatchSustainPedalV1,
    MatchSoftPedal as MatchSoftPedalV1,
    MatchOrnamentNote as MatchOrnamentNoteV1,

from import (

from import (

from import (

from partitura.utils.misc import (

from partitura.utils.generic import interp1d, partition, iter_current_next

__all__ = ["load_match"]

def get_version(line: str) -> Version:
    Get version from the first line. Since the
    first version of the format did not include this line,
    we assume that the version is 0.1.0 if no version is

    line: str
        The first line of the match file.

    version : Version
        The version of the match file
    version = Version(0, 1, 0)

    for parser in (MatchInfoV1, MatchInfoV0):
            ml = parser.from_matchline(line)
            if isinstance(getattr(ml, "Value", None), Version):
                version = ml.Value
                return version

        except MatchError:

    return version

def parse_matchline(
    line: str,
    from_matchline_methods: List[Callable[[str], MatchLine]],
    version: Version,
    debug: bool = False,
) -> Optional[MatchLine]:
    Return objects representing the line as one of:

    * hammer_bounce-PlayedNote.
    * info(Attribute, Value).
    * insertion-PlayedNote.
    * ornament(Anchor)-PlayedNote.
    * ScoreNote-deletion.
    * ScoreNote-PlayedNote.
    * ScoreNote-trailing_score_note.
    * trailing_played_note-PlayedNote.
    * trill(Anchor)-PlayedNote.
    * meta(Attribute, Value, Bar, Beat).
    * sustain(Time, Value)
    * soft(Time, Value)

    or None if none can be matched

    line : str
        Line of the match file
    from_matchline_methods : List[Callable[[str], MatchLine]]

    matchline : subclass of `MatchLine`
       Object representing the line.

    matchline = None
    for from_matchline in from_matchline_methods:
            matchline = from_matchline(line, version=version)
        except Exception as e:
            if not isinstance(e, MatchError):
                print(line, e, version)  # pragma: no cover

    return matchline

@deprecated_alias(fn="filename", create_part="create_score")
def load_matchfile(
    filename: PathLike,
) -> MatchFile:
    Load a Matchfile as a `MatchFile` instance

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("Filename does not exist")  # pragma: no cover

    with open(filename) as f:
        raw_lines =

    version = get_version(raw_lines[0])

    from_matchline_methods = FROM_MATCHLINE_METHODSV1
    if version < Version(1, 0, 0):
        from_matchline_methods = FROM_MATCHLINE_METHODSV0

    parsed_lines = list()
    # Functionality to remove duplicate lines
    len_raw_lines = len(raw_lines)
    np_lines = np.array(raw_lines, dtype=str)
    # Remove empty lines
    np_lines = np_lines[np_lines != ""]
    # Remove duplicate lines
    _, idx = np.unique(np_lines, return_index=True)
    np_lines = np_lines[np.sort(idx)]
    # Parse lines
    f = partial(
        parse_matchline, version=version, from_matchline_methods=from_matchline_methods
    f_vec = np.vectorize(f)
    parsed_lines = f_vec(np_lines).tolist()
    # Create MatchFile instance
    mf = MatchFile(lines=parsed_lines)
    # Validate match for duplicate snote_ids or pnote_ids
    return mf

[docs]@deprecated_alias(fn="filename", create_part="create_score") def load_match( filename: PathLike, create_score: bool = False, pedal_threshold: int = 64, first_note_at_zero: bool = False, offset_duration_whole: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Union[Performance, list, Score]]: """ Load a matchfile. Parameters ---------- filename : str The matchfile create_score : bool, optional When True create a Part object from the snote information in the match file. Defaults to False. pedal_threshold : int, optional Threshold for adjusting sound off of the performed notes using pedal information. Defaults to 64. first_note_at_zero : bool, optional When True the note_on and note_off times in the performance are shifted to make the first note_on time equal zero. Returns ------- performance : :class:partitura.performance.Performance alignment : list The score--performance alignment, a list of dictionaries scr : :class:partitura.score.Score The score. This item is only returned when `create_score` = True. """ # Parse Matchfile mf = load_matchfile(filename) # Generate PerformedPart ppart = performed_part_from_match(mf, pedal_threshold, first_note_at_zero) performance = Performance( id=get_document_name(filename), performedparts=ppart, ) # Generate Part if create_score: spart = part_from_matchfile( mf, match_offset_duration_in_whole=offset_duration_whole, ) scr = score.Score(id=get_document_name(filename), partlist=[spart]) # Alignment alignment = alignment_from_matchfile(mf) if create_score: return performance, alignment, scr else: return performance, alignment
def note_alignment_from_matchfile(mf: MatchFile) -> List[dict]: """ Get a note-level alignment from a MatchFile instance Parameters ---------- mf : MatchFile A score-to-performance alignment Returns ------- results : List[dict] An alignmnet as a list of dictionaries for each note. """ result = [] for line in mf.lines: if isinstance(line, BaseSnoteNoteLine): result.append( dict( label="match", score_id=str(line.snote.Anchor), performance_id=format_pnote_id(line.note.Id), ) ) elif isinstance( line, BaseDeletionLine, ): if "leftOutTied" in line.snote.ScoreAttributesList: continue else: result.append(dict(label="deletion", score_id=str(line.snote.Anchor))) elif isinstance( line, BaseInsertionLine, ): result.append( dict(label="insertion", performance_id=format_pnote_id(line.note.Id)) ) elif isinstance(line, BaseOrnamentLine): if isinstance(line, MatchTrillNoteV0): ornament_type = "trill" elif isinstance(line, MatchOrnamentNoteV1): ornament_type = line.OrnamentType else: ornament_type = "generic_ornament" result.append( dict( label="ornament", score_id=str(line.Anchor), performance_id=format_pnote_id(line.note.Id), type=ornament_type, ) ) return result # alias alignment_from_matchfile = note_alignment_from_matchfile def performed_part_from_match( mf: MatchFile, pedal_threshold: int = 64, first_note_at_zero: bool = False, ) -> PerformedPart: """ Make PerformedPart from performance info in a MatchFile Parameters ---------- mf : MatchFile A MatchFile instance pedal_threshold : int, optional Threshold for adjusting sound off of the performed notes using pedal information. Defaults to 64. first_note_at_zero : bool, optional When True the note_on and note_off times in the performance are shifted to make the first note_on time equal zero. Returns ------- ppart : PerformedPart A performed part """ # Get midi time units mpq ="midiClockRate") # 500000 -> microseconds per quarter ppq ="midiClockUnits") # 500 -> parts per quarter # PerformedNote instances for all MatchNotes notes = [] notes = list() note_onsets_in_secs = np.array(np.zeros(len(mf.notes)), dtype=float) note_onsets_in_tick = np.array(np.zeros(len(mf.notes)), dtype=int) for i, note in enumerate(mf.notes): n_onset_sec = midi_ticks_to_seconds(note.Onset, mpq, ppq) note_onsets_in_secs[i] = n_onset_sec note_onsets_in_tick[i] = note.Onset notes.append( dict( id=format_pnote_id(note.Id), midi_pitch=note.MidiPitch, note_on=n_onset_sec, note_off=midi_ticks_to_seconds(note.Offset, mpq, ppq), note_on_tick=note.Onset, note_off_tick=note.Offset, sound_off=midi_ticks_to_seconds(note.Offset, mpq, ppq), velocity=note.Velocity, track=getattr(note, "Track", 0), channel=getattr(note, "Channel", 1), ) ) # Set first note_on to zero in ticks and seconds if first_note_at_zero if first_note_at_zero and len(note_onsets_in_secs) > 0: offset = note_onsets_in_secs.min() offset_tick = note_onsets_in_tick.min() if offset > 0 and offset_tick > 0: for note in notes: note["note_on"] -= offset note["note_off"] -= offset note["sound_off"] -= offset note["note_on_tick"] -= offset_tick note["note_off_tick"] -= offset_tick # SustainPedal instances for sustain pedal lines sustain_pedal = [ dict( number=64, time=midi_ticks_to_seconds(ped.Time, mpq, ppq), value=ped.Value, ) for ped in mf.sustain_pedal ] # SoftPedal instances for soft pedal lines soft_pedal = [ dict( number=67, time=midi_ticks_to_seconds(ped.Time, mpq, ppq), value=ped.Value, ) for ped in mf.soft_pedal ] # Make performed part ppart = PerformedPart( id="P1","piece"), notes=notes, controls=sustain_pedal + soft_pedal, sustain_pedal_threshold=pedal_threshold, ) return ppart def sort_snotes(snotes: List[BaseSnoteLine]) -> List[BaseSnoteLine]: """ Sort s(core)notes. Parameters ---------- snotes : list The score notes Returns ------- snotes_sorted : list The sorted score notes """ sidx = np.lexsort( list(zip(*[(float(n.Offset), float(n.Beat), float(n.Measure)) for n in snotes])) ) return [snotes[i] for i in sidx if snotes[i].NoteName.lower() != "r"] def part_from_matchfile( mf: MatchFile, match_offset_duration_in_whole: bool = True, ) -> Part: """ Create a score part from a matchfile. Parameters ---------- mf : MatchFile An instance of `MatchFile` match_offset_duration_in_whole: Boolean A flag for the type of offset and duration given in the matchfile. When true, the function expects the values to be given in whole notes (e.g. 1/4 for a quarter note) independet of time signature. Returns ------- part : partitura.score.Part An instance of `Part` containing score information. """ part = score.Part("P1","piece")) snotes = sort_snotes(mf.snotes) ts = mf.time_signatures min_time = snotes[0].OnsetInBeats # sorted by OnsetInBeats max_time = max(n.OffsetInBeats for n in snotes) _, beats_map, _, beat_type_map, min_time_q, max_time_q = make_timesig_maps( ts, max_time ) # compute necessary divs based on the types of notes in the # match snotes (only integers) divs_arg = [ max(int((beat_type_map(note.OnsetInBeats) / 4)), 1) * note.Offset.denominator * (note.Offset.tuple_div or 1) for note in snotes ] divs_arg += [ max(int((beat_type_map(note.OnsetInBeats) / 4)), 1) * note.Duration.denominator * (note.Duration.tuple_div or 1) for note in snotes ] onset_in_beats = np.array([note.OnsetInBeats for note in snotes]) unique_onsets, inv_idxs = np.unique(onset_in_beats, return_inverse=True) # unique_onset_idxs = [np.where(onset_in_beats == u) for u in unique_onsets] iois_in_beats = np.diff(unique_onsets) beat_to_quarter = 4 / beat_type_map(onset_in_beats) iois_in_quarters_offset = np.r_[ beat_to_quarter[0] * onset_in_beats[0], (4 / beat_type_map(unique_onsets[:-1])) * iois_in_beats, ] onset_in_quarters = np.cumsum(iois_in_quarters_offset) iois_in_quarters = np.diff(onset_in_quarters) # ___ these divs are relative to quarters; divs = np.lcm.reduce(np.unique(divs_arg)) onset_in_divs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(divs * iois_in_quarters)][inv_idxs] onset_in_quarters = onset_in_quarters[inv_idxs] # duration_in_beats = np.array([note.DurationInBeats for note in snotes]) # duration_in_quarters = duration_in_beats * beat_to_quarter # duration_in_divs = duration_in_quarters * divs part.set_quarter_duration(0, divs) bars = np.unique([n.Measure for n in snotes]) t = min_time t = t * 4 / beat_type_map(min_time) offset = t bar_times = {} if t > 0: # if we have an incomplete first measure that isn't an anacrusis # measure, add a rest (dummy) # t = t-t%beats_map(min_time) # if starting beat is above zero, add padding rest = score.Rest() part.add(rest, start=0, end=t * divs) onset_in_divs += t * divs offset = 0 t = t - t % beats_map(min_time) for b0, b1 in iter_current_next(bars, end=bars[-1] + 1): bar_times.setdefault(b0, t) if t < 0: t = 0 else: # multiply by diff between consecutive bar numbers n_bars = b1 - b0 if t <= max_time_q: t += (n_bars * 4 * beats_map(t)) / beat_type_map(t) for ni, note in enumerate(snotes): # start of bar in quarter units bar_start = bar_times[note.Measure] on_off_scale = 1 # on_off_scale = 1 means duration and beat offset are given in # whole notes, else they're given in beats (as in the KAIST data) if not match_offset_duration_in_whole: on_off_scale = beat_type_map(bar_start) # offset within bar in quarter units adjusted for different # time signatures -> 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start) bar_offset = (note.Beat - 1) * 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start) # offset within beat in quarter units adjusted for different # time signatures -> 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start) beat_offset = ( 4 / on_off_scale * note.Offset.numerator / (note.Offset.denominator * (note.Offset.tuple_div or 1)) ) # check anacrusis measure beat counting type for the first note if bar_start < 0 and (bar_offset != 0 or beat_offset != 0) and ni == 0: # in case of fully counted anacrusis we set the bar_start # to -bar_duration (in quarters) so that the below calculation is correct # not active for shortened anacrusis measures bar_start = -beats_map(bar_start) * 4 / beat_type_map(bar_start) # reset the bar_start for other notes in the anacrusis measure bar_times[note.Bar] = bar_start # convert the onset time in quarters (0 at first barline) to onset # time in divs (0 at first note) onset_divs = int(round(divs * (bar_start + bar_offset + beat_offset - offset))) if not np.isclose(onset_divs, onset_in_divs[ni], atol=divs * 0.01): warnings.warn( "Calculated `onset_divs` does not match `OnsetInBeats` " "information!." ) onset_divs = onset_in_divs[ni] assert onset_divs >= 0 assert np.isclose(onset_divs, onset_in_divs[ni], atol=divs * 0.01) is_tied = False articulations = set() if "staccato" in note.ScoreAttributesList or "stac" in note.ScoreAttributesList: articulations.add("staccato") if "accent" in note.ScoreAttributesList: articulations.add("accent") if "leftOutTied" in note.ScoreAttributesList: is_tied = True # dictionary with keyword args with which the Note # (or GraceNote) will be instantiated note_attributes = dict( step=note.NoteName, octave=note.Octave, alter=note.Modifier, id=note.Anchor, articulations=articulations, ) staff_nr = next( (a[-1] for a in note.ScoreAttributesList if a.startswith("staff")), None ) try: note_attributes["staff"] = int(staff_nr) except (TypeError, ValueError): # no staff attribute, or staff attribute does not end with a number note_attributes["staff"] = None if "s" in note.ScoreAttributesList: note_attributes["voice"] = 1 else: note_attributes["voice"] = next( (int(a) for a in note.ScoreAttributesList if number_pattern.match(a)), None, ) # get rid of this if as soon as we have a way to iterate over the # duration components. For now we have to treat the cases simple # and compound durations separately. if note.Duration.add_components: prev_part_note = None for i, (num, den, tuple_div) in enumerate(note.Duration.add_components): # when we add multiple notes that are tied, the first note will # get the original note id, and subsequent notes will get a # derived note id (by appending, 'a', 'b', 'c',...) if i > 0: # tnote_id = 'n{}_{}'.format(note.Anchor, i) note_attributes["id"] = score._make_tied_note_id( note_attributes["id"] ) part_note = score.Note(**note_attributes) # duration_divs from local beats --> 4/beat_type_map(bar_start) duration_divs = int( (4 / on_off_scale) * divs * num / (den * (tuple_div or 1)) ) assert duration_divs > 0 offset_divs = onset_divs + duration_divs part.add(part_note, onset_divs, offset_divs) if prev_part_note: prev_part_note.tie_next = part_note part_note.tie_prev = prev_part_note prev_part_note = part_note onset_divs = offset_divs else: num = note.Duration.numerator den = note.Duration.denominator tuple_div = note.Duration.tuple_div # duration_divs from local beats --> 4/beat_type_map(bar_start) duration_divs = int( divs * 4 / on_off_scale * num / (den * (tuple_div or 1)) ) offset_divs = onset_divs + duration_divs # notes with duration 0, are also treated as grace notes, even if # they do not have a 'grace' score attribute if "grace" in note.ScoreAttributesList or note.Duration.numerator == 0: part_note = score.GraceNote( grace_type="appoggiatura", **note_attributes ) else: part_note = score.Note(**note_attributes) part.add(part_note, onset_divs, offset_divs) # Check if the note is tied and if so, add the tie information if is_tied: found = False # iterate over all notes in the Timeline that end at the starting point. for el in part_note.start.iter_ending(score.Note): if isinstance(el, score.Note): condition = ( el.step == note_attributes["step"] and el.octave == note_attributes["octave"] and el.alter == note_attributes["alter"] ) if condition: el.tie_next = part_note part_note.tie_prev = el found = True break if not found: warnings.warn( "Tie information found, but no previous note found to tie to for note {}.".format( ) ) # add time signatures for ts_beat_time, ts_bar, tsg in ts: ts_beats = tsg.numerator ts_beat_type = tsg.denominator # check if time signature is in a known measure (from notes) if ts_bar in bar_times.keys(): bar_start_divs = int(divs * (bar_times[ts_bar] - offset)) # in quarters bar_start_divs = max(0, bar_start_divs) else: bar_start_divs = 0 part.add(score.TimeSignature(ts_beats, ts_beat_type), bar_start_divs) # add key signatures for ks_beat_time, ks_bar, keys in mf.key_signatures: if ks_bar in bar_times.keys(): bar_start_divs = int(divs * (bar_times[ks_bar] - offset)) # in quarters bar_start_divs = max(0, bar_start_divs) else: bar_start_divs = 0 # TODO # * use key estimation if there are multiple defined keys # fifths, mode = key_name_to_fifths_mode(key_name) part.add(score.KeySignature(keys.fifths, keys.mode), ks_bar) add_staffs(part) # add_clefs(part) # add incomplete measure if necessary if offset < 0: part.add(score.Measure(number=0), 0, int(-offset * divs)) # add the rest of the measures automatically score.add_measures(part) score.tie_notes(part) score.find_tuplets(part) if not all([n.voice for n in part.notes_tied]): for note in part.notes_tied: if note.voice is None: note.voice = 1 return part def make_timesig_maps( ts_orig: List[Tuple[float, int, MatchTimeSignature]], max_time: float, ) -> (Callable, Callable, Callable, Callable, float, float): """ Create time signature (interpolation) maps Parameters ---------- ts_orig : List[Tuple[float, int, MatchTimeSignature]] A list of tuples containing position in beats, measure and MatchTimeSignature instances max_time : float Maximal time of the time signatures Returns ------- beats_map: callable qbeats_map: callable beat_type_map: callable qbeat_type_map: callable start_q: float end_q: float """ # TODO: make sure that ts_orig covers range from min_time # return two functions that map score times (in quarter units) to time sig # beats, and time sig beat_type respectively ts = list(ts_orig) assert len(ts) > 0 ts.append((max_time, None, ts[-1][2])) x = np.array([t for t, _, _ in ts]) y = np.array([(x.numerator, x.denominator) for _, _, x in ts]) start_q = x[0] * 4 / y[0, 1] x_q = np.cumsum(np.r_[start_q, 4 * np.diff(x) / y[:-1, 1]]) end_q = x_q[-1] # TODO: fix error with bounds qbeats_map = interp1d( x_q, y[:, 0], kind="previous", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y[0, 0], y[-1, 0]), ) qbeat_type_map = interp1d( x_q, y[:, 1], kind="previous", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y[0, 1], y[-1, 1]), ) beats_map = interp1d( x, y[:, 0], kind="previous", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y[0, 0], y[-1, 0]), ) beat_type_map = interp1d( x, y[:, 1], kind="previous", bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y[0, 1], y[-1, 1]), ) return beats_map, qbeats_map, beat_type_map, qbeat_type_map, start_q, end_q def add_staffs(part: Part, split: int = 55, only_missing: bool = True) -> None: """ Method to add staff information to a part Parameters ---------- part: Part Part to add staff information to. split: int MIDI pitch to split staff into upper and lower. Default is 55 only_missing: bool If True, only add staff to those notes that do not have staff info already. x""" # assign staffs using a hard limit notes = part.notes_tied for n in notes: if only_missing and n.staff: continue if n.midi_pitch > split: staff = 1 else: staff = 2 n.staff = staff n_tied = n.tie_next while n_tied: n_tied.staff = staff n_tied = n_tied.tie_next part.add(score.Clef(staff=1, sign="G", line=2, octave_change=0), 0) part.add(score.Clef(staff=2, sign="F", line=4, octave_change=0), 0) def validate_match_ids(mf): """ Check a matchfile for duplicate snote and note IDs. This function will: - remove all deletions with a score ID that occurs in multiple lines. - remove all insertions with a performance ID that occurs in multiple lines. Handles cases with conflicting match/insertion(s) and match/deletion(s) tuples with any number of insertions or deletions and a single match by keeping only the match. Unhandled cases: - multiple conflicting matches: all are kept. - multiple insertions with the same ID: all are deleted. - multiple deletions with the same ID: all are deleted. Parameters ---------- mf: MatchFile MatchFile to validate Returns ------- Updates the representation of the matchfile by removing match lines. """ # Check if the matchfile is valid (i.e. check for snote duplicates) sids = np.array([n.Anchor for n in mf.snotes]) # First check if score ids are unique sids_unique, counts = np.unique(sids, return_counts=True) sids_to_check = sids_unique[np.where(counts > 1)[0]] if len(sids_to_check) > 0: indices_to_del = [] for i, line in enumerate(mf.lines): if isinstance(line, BaseDeletionLine): if line.Anchor in sids_to_check: indices_to_del.append(i) warnings.warn( "Matchfile contains duplicate score notes. " "Removing {} deletions.".format(len(indices_to_del)) ) mf.lines = np.delete(mf.lines, indices_to_del) # Check if the matchfile is valid (i.e. check for performance note duplicates) pids = np.array([n.Id for n in mf.notes]) pids_unique, counts = np.unique(pids, return_counts=True) pids_to_check = pids_unique[np.where(counts > 1)[0]] if len(pids_to_check) > 0: indices_to_del = [] for i, line in enumerate(mf.lines): if isinstance(line, BaseInsertionLine): if line.Id in pids_to_check: indices_to_del.append(i) warnings.warn( "Matchfile contains duplicate performance notes. " "Removing {} insertions.".format(len(indices_to_del)) ) mf.lines = np.delete(mf.lines, indices_to_del) if __name__ == "__main__": pass