Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods for importing MusicXML files.

import os
import warnings
import zipfile

from typing import Union, Optional
import numpy as np
from lxml import etree

# lxml does XSD validation too but has problems with the MusicXML 3.1 XSD, so we use
# the xmlschema package for validating MusicXML against the definition
import xmlschema
import pkg_resources
from partitura.directions import parse_direction
import partitura.score as score
from partitura.score import assign_note_ids
from partitura.utils import ensure_notearray
from partitura.utils.misc import deprecated_alias, deprecated_parameter, PathLike

__all__ = ["load_musicxml", "musicxml_to_notearray"]

_MUSICXML_SCHEMA = pkg_resources.resource_filename("partitura", "assets/musicxml.xsd")
    "f": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "ff": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "fff": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "ffff": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "fffff": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "ffffff": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "n": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "mf": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "mp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "p": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "pp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "ppp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "pppp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "ppppp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "pppppp": score.ConstantLoudnessDirection,
    "fp": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "pf": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "rf": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "rfz": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "fz": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sf": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sffz": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sfp": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sfzp": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sfpp": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,
    "sfz": score.ImpulsiveLoudnessDirection,

    "sustain_pedal": score.SustainPedalDirection,

OCTAVE_SHIFTS = {8: 1, 15: 2, 22: 3}

def validate_musicxml(xml, debug=False):
    Validate an XML file against an XSD.

    xml: str
        Path to XML file
    debug: bool, optional
        If True, raise an exception when the xml is invalid, and print out the
        cause. Otherwise just return True when the XML is valid and False otherwise

    bool or None
        None if debug=True, True or False otherwise, signalling validity

    global _XML_VALIDATOR
    if not _XML_VALIDATOR:
        _XML_VALIDATOR = xmlschema.XMLSchema(_MUSICXML_SCHEMA)
    if debug:
        return _XML_VALIDATOR.validate(xml)
        return _XML_VALIDATOR.is_valid(xml)

def _parse_partlist(partlist):
    This parses the <part-list> ... </part-list> element in the beginning
    of the MusicXML file where each instrument is declared, instruments and
    their staves are grouped (braces, brackets), etc.

    partlist : etree element
        The part-list etree element

        list of PartGroup objects
        Dictionary of pairs (partid, Part) where the Part objects are
        instantiated with part-name and part-abbreviation if these are specified in
        the part list definition.

    structure = []
    current_group = None
    part_dict = {}

    for e in partlist:
        if e.tag == "part-group":
            if e.get("type") == "start":
                gr_name = get_value_from_tag(e, "group-name", str)
                gr_symbol = get_value_from_tag(e, "group-symbol", str)
                gr_number = get_value_from_attribute(e, "number", int)
                new_group = score.PartGroup(gr_symbol, gr_name, gr_number)

                if current_group is None:
                    current_group = new_group
                    new_group.parent = current_group
                    current_group = new_group

            elif e.get("type") == "stop":
                if current_group.parent is None:
                    current_group = None
                    current_group = current_group.parent

        elif e.tag == "score-part":
            part_id = e.get("id")
            part = score.Part(part_id)

            # set part name and abbreviation if available
            part.part_name = next(iter(e.xpath("part-name/text()")), None)
            part.part_abbreviation = next(
                iter(e.xpath("part-abbreviation/text()")), None

            part_dict[part_id] = part

            if current_group is None:
                part.parent = current_group

    if current_group is not None:
        warnings.warn("part-group {0} was not ended".format(current_group.number))

    return structure, part_dict

[docs]@deprecated_alias(xml="filename") @deprecated_parameter("ensure_list") def load_musicxml( filename: PathLike, validate: bool = False, force_note_ids: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, ) -> score.Score: """Parse a MusicXML file and build a composite score ontology structure from it (see also Parameters ---------- xml : str or file-like object Path to the MusicXML file to be parsed, or a file-like object validate : bool, optional When True the validity of the MusicXML is checked against the MusicXML 3.1 specification before loading the file. An exception will be raised when the MusicXML is invalid. Defaults to False. force_note_ids : (bool, 'keep') optional. When True each Note in the returned Part(s) will have a newly assigned unique id attribute. Existing note id attributes in the MusicXML will be discarded. If 'keep', only notes without a note id will be assigned one. Returns ------- scr: Score A `Score` instance. """ xml = None if isinstance(filename, str): if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as zipped_xml: contained_xml_name = zipped_xml.namelist()[-1] xml = if xml is None: xml = filename if validate: validate_musicxml(xml, debug=True) # if xml is a file-like object we need to set the read pointer to the # start of the file for parsing if hasattr(xml, "seek"): parser = etree.XMLParser( resolve_entities=False, huge_tree=False, remove_comments=True, remove_blank_text=True, ) document = etree.parse(xml, parser) if document.getroot().tag != "score-partwise": raise Exception("Currently only score-partwise structure is supported") partlist_el = document.find("part-list") if partlist_el is not None: # parse the (hierarchical) structure of score parts # (instruments) that are listed in the part-list element partlist, part_dict = _parse_partlist(partlist_el) # Go through each <part> to obtain the content of the parts. # The Part instances will be modified in place _parse_parts(document, part_dict) else: partlist = [] if force_note_ids is True or force_note_ids == "keep": assign_note_ids(partlist, force_note_ids == "keep") composer = None scid = None title = None subtitle = None lyricist = None copyright = None # The work tag is preferred for the title of the score, otherwise # this method will search in the credit tags work_info_el = document.find("work") if work_info_el is not None: scid = get_value_from_tag( e=work_info_el, tag="work-title", as_type=str, ) title = scid score_identification_el = document.find("identification") # The identification tag has preference over credit if score_identification_el is not None: copyright = get_value_from_tag(score_identification_el, "rights", str) for cel in score_identification_el.findall("creator"): if get_value_from_attribute(cel, "type", str) == "composer": composer = str(cel.text) if get_value_from_attribute(cel, "type", str) == "lyricist": lyricist = str(cel.text) for cel in document.findall("credit"): credit_type = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-type", str) if credit_type == "title" and title is None: title = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-words", str) elif credit_type == "subtitle" and subtitle is None: subtitle = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-words", str) elif credit_type == "composer" and composer is None: composer = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-words", str) elif credit_type == "lyricist" and lyricist is None: lyricist = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-words", str) elif credit_type == "rights" and copyright is None: copyright = get_value_from_tag(cel, "credit-words", str) scr = score.Score( id=scid, partlist=partlist, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, composer=composer, lyricist=lyricist, copyright=copyright, ) return scr
def _parse_parts(document, part_dict): """ Populate the Part instances that are the values of `part_dict` with the musical content in document. Parameters ---------- document : lxml.etree.ElementTree The ElementTree representation of the MusicXML document part_dict : dict A dictionary with key--value pairs (part_id, Part instance), as returned by the _parse_partlist() function. """ for part_el in document.findall("part"): part_id = part_el.get("id", "P1") part = part_dict.get(part_id, score.Part(part_id)) position = 0 ongoing = {} doc_order = 0 # add new page and system at start of part _handle_new_page(position, part, ongoing) _handle_new_system(position, part, ongoing) for mc, measure_el in enumerate(part_el.xpath("measure")): position, doc_order = _handle_measure( measure_el, position, part, ongoing, doc_order, mc + 1 ) # complete unfinished endings for o in part.iter_all(score.Ending, mode="ending"): if o.start is None: part.add(o, part.measure_map(o.end.t - 1)[0], None) warnings.warn( "Found ending[stop] without a preceding ending[start]\n" "Single measure bracket is assumed" ) for o in part.iter_all(score.Ending, mode="starting"): if o.end is None: part.add(o, None, part.measure_map(o.start.t)[1]) warnings.warn( "Found ending[start] without a following ending[stop]\n" "Single measure bracket is assumed" ) # Complete repeats without end. volta_repeats = list() for o in part.iter_all(score.Repeat, mode="starting"): if o.end is None: # if len(o.start.starting_objects[score.Repeat]) > 0: # starting = list(o.start.starting_objects[score.Repeat].keys())[0] # # if unstarted repeat from volta, continue for now # if len(starting.end.ending_objects[score.Repeat]) > 0: # # if repeat from volta, continue for now # volta_repeats.append(o) # continue starting_repeats = [ r for r in part.iter_all(score.Repeat) if r.start is not None ] end_times = [r.start.t for r in starting_repeats] + [part._points[-1].t] end_time_id = np.searchsorted(end_times, o.start.t + 1) part.add(o, None, end_times[end_time_id]) warnings.warn( "Found repeat without end\n" "Ending point {} is assumed".format(end_times[end_time_id]) ) # complete unstarted repeats volta_repeats = list() for o in part.iter_all(score.Repeat, mode="ending"): if o.start is None: if len(o.end.ending_objects[score.Ending]) > 0: ending = list(o.end.ending_objects[score.Ending].keys())[0] # if unstarted repeat from volta, continue for now if len(ending.start.ending_objects[score.Repeat]) > 0: volta_repeats.append(o) continue # go back to the end of the last repeat start_times = [0] + [r.end.t for r in part.iter_all(score.Repeat)] start_time_id = np.searchsorted(start_times, o.end.t) - 1 part.add(o, start_times[start_time_id], None) warnings.warn( "Found repeat without start\n" "Starting point {} is assumed".format(start_times[start_time_id]) ) # complete unstarted repeats in volta with start time of first repeat for o in volta_repeats: start_times = [0] + [r.start.t for r in part.iter_all(score.Repeat)] start_time_id = np.searchsorted(start_times, o.end.t) - 1 part.add(o, start_times[start_time_id], None) warnings.warn( "Found repeat without start\n" "Starting point {} is assumed".format(start_times[start_time_id]) ) # remove unfinished elements from the timeline for k, o in ongoing.items(): if k not in ("page", "system", "repeat") and k[0] not in ("tie", "ending"): if isinstance(o, list): for o_i in o: part.remove(o_i) else: part.remove(o) # check whether all grace notes have a main note for gn in part.iter_all(score.GraceNote): if gn.main_note is None: for no in part.iter_all( score.Note, include_subclasses=False, start=gn.start.t, end=gn.start.t + 1, ): if no.voice == gn.voice: gn.last_grace_note_in_seq.grace_next = no if gn.main_note is None: warnings.warn( "grace note without recoverable same voice main note: {}".format(gn) ) warnings.warn("might be cadenza notation") # set end times for various musical elements that only have a start time # when constructed from MusicXML score.set_end_times(part) # Octave Shifts are only visual doesn't to change the octave of notes. # Apply octave shifts directly to notes # for shift in part.iter_all(score.OctaveShiftDirection): # # Shifts normal notes # for note in part.iter_all(score.Note, start=shift.start.t, end=shift.end.t): # if note.staff == shift.staff: # if shift.shift_type == "up": # note.octave -= OCTAVE_SHIFTS[shift.shift_size] if shift.shift_size in OCTAVE_SHIFTS.keys() else 0 # elif shift.shift_type == "down": # note.octave += OCTAVE_SHIFTS[shift.shift_size] if shift.shift_size in OCTAVE_SHIFTS.keys() else 0 # # Shifts grace notes # for note in part.iter_all(score.GraceNote, start=shift.start.t, end=shift.end.t): # if note.staff == shift.staff: # if shift.shift_type == "up": # note.octave -= OCTAVE_SHIFTS[shift.shift_size] if shift.shift_size in OCTAVE_SHIFTS.keys() else 0 # elif shift.shift_type == "down": # note.octave += OCTAVE_SHIFTS[shift.shift_size] if shift.shift_size in OCTAVE_SHIFTS.keys() else 0 # shift.applied = True def _handle_measure(measure_el, position, part, ongoing, doc_order, measure_counter): """Parse a <measure>...</measure> element, adding it and its contents to the part. Parameters ---------- measure_el : etree.Element An etree Element instance with a <measure> tag position : int The starting time of the measure part : score.Part The part object to which the measure belongs. ongoing : dict A dict specifying the score.Page and score.System of the measure doc_order : int The index of the first note element in the current measure in the xml file. measure_counter : int The index of the <measure> tag in the xml file, starting from 1 Returns ------- measure_maxtime : int The ending time of the measure doc_order : int The index of the first note element in the next measure in the xml file. """ # make a measure object measure = make_measure(measure_el, measure_counter) # add the start of the measure to the time line part.add(measure, position) # keep track of the position within the measure # measure_pos = 0 measure_start = position # keep track of the previous note (in case of <chord>) prev_note = None # used to keep track of the duration of the measure measure_maxtime = measure_start trailing_children = [] for i, e in enumerate(measure_el): if e.tag == "backup": # <xs:documentation>The backup and forward elements are required # to coordinate multiple voices in one part, including music on # multiple staves. The backup type is generally used to move # between voices and staves. Thus the backup element does not # include voice or staff elements. Duration values should always # be positive, and should not cross measure boundaries or # mid-measure changes in the divisions value.</xs:documentation> duration = get_value_from_tag(e, "duration", int) or 0 position -= duration if position < measure.start.t: warnings.warn( ( "<backup> crosses measure boundary, adjusting " "position from {} to {} in Measure {}" ).format(position, measure.start.t, measure.number) ) position = measure.start.t # <backup> tags trigger an update of the measure # duration up to the measure position (after the # <backup> has been processed); This has been found to # account for implicit measure durations in # Baerenreiter MusicXML files. measure_maxtime = max(measure_maxtime, position) elif e.tag == "forward": duration = get_value_from_tag(e, "duration", int) or 0 position += duration measure_maxtime = max(measure_maxtime, position) elif e.tag == "attributes": _handle_attributes(e, position, part) elif e.tag == "direction": _handle_direction(e, position, part, ongoing) elif e.tag == "print": # new-page/new-system occurring anywhere in the measure take effect # at the start of the measure, so we pass measure_start rather than # position _handle_print(e, measure_start, part, ongoing) elif e.tag == "sound": _handle_sound(e, position, part) elif e.tag == "note": (position, prev_note) = _handle_note( e, position, part, ongoing, prev_note, doc_order ) doc_order += 1 measure_maxtime = max(measure_maxtime, position) elif e.tag == "harmony": _handle_harmony(e, position, part) elif e.tag == "barline": location = get_value_from_attribute(e, "location", str) if (location is None) or (location == "right"): position_barline = measure_maxtime elif location == "left": position_barline = measure_start else: position_barline = position repeat = e.find("repeat") if repeat is not None: _handle_repeat(repeat, position_barline, part, ongoing) ending = e.find("ending") if ending is not None: _handle_ending(ending, position_barline, part, ongoing) bar_style_e = e.find("bar-style") if bar_style_e is not None: bar_style = score.Barline(bar_style_e.text) part.add(bar_style, position) # <!ELEMENT barline (bar-style?, %editorial;, wavy-line?, # segno?, coda?, (fermata, fermata?)?, ending?, repeat?)> # <!ATTLIST barline # location (right | left | middle) "right" # segno CDATA #IMPLIED # coda CDATA #IMPLIED # divisions CDATA #IMPLIED fermata_e = e.find("fermata") if fermata_e is not None: location = e.get("location") fermata = score.Fermata(location) if location is None: # missing location attribute on barline defaults to # "right". In this case the barline should occur as the last # element in the measure trailing_children.append(fermata) else: part.add(fermata, position) # TODO: handle segno/fine/dacapo else: warnings.warn("ignoring tag {0}".format(e.tag), stacklevel=2) for obj in trailing_children: part.add(obj, measure_maxtime) # add end time of measure part.add(measure, None, measure_maxtime) return measure_maxtime, doc_order def _handle_harmony(e, position, part): """Handle a <harmony> element.""" if e.find("function") is not None: text = e.find("function").text if text is not None: part.add(score.RomanNumeral(text), position) elif e.find("kind") is not None and e.find("root") is not None: # TODO: handle kind text which is other kind of annotation also root kind = e.find("kind").get("text") root = e.find("root").find("root-step").text part.add(score.ChordSymbol(root=root, kind=kind), position) text = None else: text = None if text is None: warnings.warn("ignoring empty <harmony> tag", stacklevel=2) def _handle_repeat(e, position, part, ongoing): key = "repeat" if e.get("direction") == "forward": o = score.Repeat() ongoing[key] = o part.add(o, position) elif e.get("direction") == "backward": o = ongoing.pop(key, None) if o is None: # implicit repeat start: create Repeat # object and add it at the beginning of # the self retroactively o = score.Repeat() # no, clean up later with shortest possible repeat start # part.add(o, 0) part.add(o, None, position) def _handle_ending(e, position, part, ongoing): # key = "ending" key = ("ending", getattr(e, "number", "0")) if e.get("type") == "start": o = score.Ending(e.get("number")) ongoing[key] = o part.add(o, position) elif e.get("type") in ("stop", "discontinue"): o = ongoing.pop(key, None) if o is None: warnings.warn( "Found ending[stop] without a preceding ending[start]\n" + "Single measure bracket is assumed" ) o = score.Ending(e.get("number")) part.add(o, None, position) else: part.add(o, None, position) def _handle_new_page(position, part, ongoing): if "page" in ongoing: if position == 0: # ignore non-informative new-page at start of score return part.add(ongoing["page"], None, position) page_nr = ongoing["page"].number + 1 else: page_nr = 1 page = score.Page(page_nr) part.add(page, position) ongoing["page"] = page def _handle_new_system(position, part, ongoing): if "system" in ongoing: if position == 0: # ignore non-informative new-system at start of score return # end current page part.add(ongoing["system"], None, position) system_nr = ongoing["system"].number + 1 else: system_nr = 1 system = score.System(system_nr) part.add(system, position) ongoing["system"] = system def make_measure(xml_measure, measure_counter): """ Parameters ---------- xml_measure : etree.Element An etree Element instance with a <measure> tag measure_counter : int The index of the <measure> tag in the xml file, starting from 1 Returns ------- measure : score.Measure A measure object with a number and optional name attribute """ measure = score.Measure() measure.number = measure_counter = get_value_from_attribute(xml_measure, "number", str) return measure def _handle_attributes(e, position, part): """""" ts_num = get_value_from_tag(e, "time/beats", int) ts_den = get_value_from_tag(e, "time/beat-type", int) if ts_num and ts_den: part.add(score.TimeSignature(ts_num, ts_den), position) fifths = get_value_from_tag(e, "key/fifths", int) mode = get_value_from_tag(e, "key/mode", str) if fifths is not None or mode is not None: part.add(score.KeySignature(fifths, mode), position) diat = get_value_from_tag(e, "transpose/diatonic", int) chrom = get_value_from_tag(e, "transpose/chromatic", int) if diat is not None or chrom is not None: part.add(score.Transposition(diat, chrom), position) divs = get_value_from_tag(e, "divisions", int) if divs: # part.add(score.Divisions(divs), position) part.set_quarter_duration(position, divs) clefs = get_clefs(e) for clef in clefs: part.add(score.Clef(**clef), position) def get_offset(e): offset = e.find("offset") if offset is None: return None else: sounding = offset.attrib.get("sound", "no") return int(offset.text) if sounding == "yes" else 0 def _handle_direction(e, position, part, ongoing): # <!-- # A direction is a musical indication that is not attached # to a specific note. Two or more may be combined to # indicate starts and stops of wedges, dashes, etc. # By default, a series of direction-type elements and a # series of child elements of a direction-type within a # single direction element follow one another in sequence # visually. For a series of direction-type children, non- # positional formatting attributes are carried over from # the previous element by default. # --> # <!ELEMENT direction (direction-type+, offset?, # %editorial-voice;, staff?, sound?)> # <!ATTLIST direction # %placement; # %direction; # > staff = get_value_from_tag(e, "staff", int) or None sound_directions = e.findall("sound") for sd in sound_directions: # TODO: figure out which values occur in the wild for each attribute if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "fine", str) in ("yes", "1"): part.add(score.Fine(), position) if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "dacapo", str) == "yes": part.add(score.DaCapo(), position) if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "tocoda", str) == "coda": part.add(score.ToCoda(), position) if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "coda", str) == "coda": part.add(score.Coda(), position) if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "dalsegno", str) == "segno": part.add(score.DalSegno(), position) if get_value_from_attribute(sd, "segno", str) == "segno": part.add(score.Segno(), position) # <direction-type> ... </...> direction_types = e.findall("direction-type") # <!ELEMENT direction-type (rehearsal+ | segno+ | words+ | # coda+ | wedge | dynamics+ | dashes | bracket | pedal | # metronome | octave-shift | harp-pedals | damp | damp-all | # eyeglasses | string-mute | scordatura | image | # principal-voice | accordion-registration | percussion+ | # other-direction)> # direction-types supported here: # * words # * wedge # * dynamics # * dashes # * coda # * TODO: pedal # * TODO: damp # here we gather all starting and ending directions, # to be added to the part afterwards starting_directions = [] ending_directions = [] # keep track of starting and stopping dashes dashes_keys = {} # keep track of starting and stopping pedals # pedal_keys = {} for direction_type in direction_types: # direction_type dt = next(iter(direction_type)) if dt.tag == "dynamics": # first child of direction-type is dynamics, there may be subsequent # dynamics items, so we loop: for child in direction_type: # interpret as score.Direction, fall back to score.Words dyn_el = next(iter(child)) if dyn_el is not None: direction = DYN_DIRECTIONS.get(dyn_el.tag, score.Words)( dyn_el.tag, staff=staff ) starting_directions.append(direction) elif dt.tag == "words": # first child of direction-type is words, there may be subsequent # words items, so we loop: for child in direction_type: # try to make a direction out of words parse_result = parse_direction(child.text) starting_directions.extend(parse_result) elif dt.tag == "wedge": number = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "number", int) or 1 key = ("wedge", number) wedge_type = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "type", str) if wedge_type in ("crescendo", "diminuendo"): if wedge_type == "crescendo": o = score.IncreasingLoudnessDirection(wedge_type, wedge=True) else: o = score.DecreasingLoudnessDirection(wedge_type, wedge=True) starting_directions.append(o) ongoing[key] = o elif wedge_type == "stop": o = ongoing.get(key) if o is not None: ending_directions.append(o) del ongoing[key] else: warnings.warn("Did not find a wedge start element for wedge stop!") elif dt.tag == "dashes": # start/stop/continue dashes_type = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "type", str) number = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "number", int) or 1 dashes_keys[("dashes", number)] = dashes_type # TODO: for now we ignore dashes_type == continue, because it exists # only as a function of the visual appearance. However, if dashes # that are continued over a system are stopped at the end of the # system before they are continued at the start of the next, this # will not be treated correctly. I'm not sure how dashes spanning # systems are encoded in practice (need examples). elif dt.tag == "octave-shift": # start/stop octave_shift_type = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "type", str) octave_shift_size = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "size", int) or 8 octave_shift_number = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "number", int) or 1 key = ("octave-shift", octave_shift_number) if octave_shift_type in ["up", "down"]: if key in ongoing: eo = ongoing.pop(key) ending_directions.append(eo) o = score.OctaveShiftDirection( octave_shift_type, octave_shift_size, staff=staff ) starting_directions.append(o) ongoing[key] = o elif octave_shift_type == "stop": o = ongoing.get(key) if o is not None: ending_directions.append(o) del ongoing[key] else: warnings.warn( "Did not find a octave_shift start element for octave_shift stop!" ) elif dt.tag == "pedal": # start/stop pedal_type = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "type", str) pedal_line = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "line", str) == "yes" number = get_value_from_attribute(dt, "number", int) or 1 key = ("pedal", number) if pedal_type == "start": if key in ongoing: eo = ongoing.pop(key) ending_directions.append(eo) o = score.SustainPedalDirection(staff=staff, line=pedal_line) starting_directions.append(o) ongoing[key] = o elif pedal_type == "stop": o = ongoing.get(key) if o is not None: ending_directions.append(o) del ongoing[key] else: warnings.warn("Did not find a pedal start element for pedal stop!") else: if pedal_type in ("change", "continue"): warnings.warn( 'pedal types "change" and "continue" are ' "not supported. Ignoring direction." ) else: warnings.warn("ignoring direction type: {} {}".format(dt.tag, dt.attrib)) for dashes_key, dashes_type in dashes_keys.items(): if dashes_type == "start": ongoing[dashes_key] = starting_directions elif dashes_type == "stop": oo = ongoing.get(dashes_key) if oo is None: warnings.warn("Dashes end without dashes start") else: ending_directions.extend(oo) del ongoing[dashes_key] for o in starting_directions: if isinstance(o, score.Tempo): _add_tempo_if_unique(position, part, o) else: part.add(o, position) for o in ending_directions: part.add(o, None, position) def get_clefs(e): """ Get the clefs Returns ------- (fifths, mode) OR None : tuple of or None. """ clefs = e.xpath("clef") result = [] for clef in clefs: result.append( dict( staff=get_value_from_attribute(clef, "number", int) or 1, sign=get_value_from_tag(clef, "sign", str), line=get_value_from_tag(clef, "line", int), octave_change=get_value_from_tag(clef, "clef-octave-change", int), ) ) return result def get_value_from_tag(e, tag, as_type, none_on_error=True): """ Return the text contents of a particular tag in element e, cast as a particular type. By default the function will return None if either the tag is not found or the value cannot be cast to the desired type. Examples -------- >>> e = lxml.etree.fromstring('<note><duration>2</duration></note>') >>> get_value_from_tag(e, 'duration', int) 2 >>> get_value_from_tag(e, 'duration', float) 2.0 >>> e = lxml.etree.fromstring('<note><duration>quarter</duration></note>') >>> get_value_from_tag(e, 'duration', float) None Parameters ---------- e: etree.Element An etree Element instance tag: string Child tag to retrieve as_type: function Function that casts the string to the desired type (e.g. int, float) none_on_error: bool, optional (default: True) When False, an exception is raised when `tag` is not found in `e` or the text inside `tag` cannot be cast to an integer. When True, None is returned in such cases. Returns ------- object The value read from `tag`, cast as `as_type` """ try: return as_type(e.find(tag).text) except (ValueError, AttributeError): if none_on_error: return None else: raise def get_value_from_attribute(e, attr, as_type, none_on_error=True): """ Return the attribute of a particular attribute of element e, cast as a particular type. By default the function will return None if either `e` does not have the attribute or the value cannot be cast to the desired type. Parameters ---------- e: etree.Element An etree Element instance attr: string Attribute to retrieve as_type: function Function that casts the string to the desired type (e.g. int, float) none_on_error: bool, optional (default: True) When False, an exception is raised when `tag` is not found in `e` or the text inside `tag` cannot be cast to an integer. When True, None is returned in such cases. Returns ------- object or None The attribute value, or None """ value = e.get(attr) if value is None: return None else: try: return as_type(value) except ValueError: if none_on_error: return None else: raise def get_pitch(e): """ Check whether the element has a pitch. If so return a tuple (pitch, alter, octave), otherwise return None. Returns ------- tuple : (str, int or None, int) or None The tuple contains (pitch, alter, octave) """ pitch = e.find("pitch") if pitch is not None: step = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "step", str) alter = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "alter", int) octave = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "octave", int) return (step, alter, octave) else: return None def _handle_print(e, position, part, ongoing): if "new-page" in e.attrib: _handle_new_page(position, part, ongoing) _handle_new_system(position, part, ongoing) if "new-system" in e.attrib: _handle_new_system(position, part, ongoing) def _add_tempo_if_unique(position, part, tempo): """ Add score.Tempo object `tempo` at `position` on `part` if and only if there are no starting score.Tempo objects at that position. score.Tempo objects are generated by <sound tempo=...> as well as textual directions (e.g. "q=100"). This function avoids multiple synchronous tempo indications (whether redundant or conflicting) """ point = part.get_point(position) if point is not None: tempos = point.starting_objects.get(score.Tempo, []) if tempos == []: part.add(tempo, position) else: warnings.warn("not adding duplicate or conflicting tempo indication") def _handle_sound(e, position, part): if "tempo" in e.attrib: tempo = score.Tempo(int(e.attrib["tempo"]), "q") # part.add_starting_object(position, tempo) _add_tempo_if_unique(position, part, tempo) def _handle_note(e, position, part, ongoing, prev_note, doc_order): # get some common features of element if available duration = get_value_from_tag(e, "duration", int) or 0 # elements may have an explicit temporal offset # offset = get_value_from_tag(e, 'offset', int) or 0 staff = get_value_from_tag(e, "staff", int) or 1 voice = get_value_from_tag(e, "voice", int) or 1 # add support of uppercase "ID" tags note_id = ( get_value_from_attribute(e, "id", str) if get_value_from_attribute(e, "id", str) else get_value_from_attribute(e, "ID", str) ) symbolic_duration = {} dur_type = get_value_from_tag(e, "type", str) if dur_type: symbolic_duration["type"] = dur_type dots = len(e.findall("dot")) if dots: symbolic_duration["dots"] = dots actual_notes = get_value_from_tag(e, "time-modification/actual-notes", int) if actual_notes: symbolic_duration["actual_notes"] = actual_notes normal_notes = get_value_from_tag(e, "time-modification/normal-notes", int) if normal_notes: symbolic_duration["normal_notes"] = normal_notes chord = e.find("chord") if chord is not None: # this note starts at the same position as the previous note, and has # same duration assert prev_note is not None position = prev_note.start.t articulations_e = e.find("notations/articulations") if articulations_e is not None: articulations = get_articulations(articulations_e) else: articulations = {} ornaments_e = e.find("notations/ornaments") if ornaments_e is not None: ornaments = get_ornaments(ornaments_e) else: ornaments = {} pitch = e.find("pitch") unpitch = e.find("unpitched") if pitch is not None: step = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "step", str) alter = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "alter", int) octave = get_value_from_tag(pitch, "octave", int) grace = e.find("grace") if grace is not None: grace_type, steal_proportion = get_grace_info(grace) note = score.GraceNote( grace_type=grace_type, step=step, octave=octave, alter=alter, id=note_id, voice=voice, staff=staff, symbolic_duration=symbolic_duration, articulations=articulations, ornaments=ornaments, steal_proportion=steal_proportion, doc_order=doc_order, ) if isinstance(prev_note, score.GraceNote) and prev_note.voice == voice: note.grace_prev = prev_note else: note = score.Note( step=step, octave=octave, alter=alter, id=note_id, voice=voice, staff=staff, symbolic_duration=symbolic_duration, articulations=articulations, ornaments=ornaments, doc_order=doc_order, ) if isinstance(prev_note, score.GraceNote) and prev_note.voice == voice: prev_note.grace_next = note elif unpitch is not None: # note element is unpitched step = get_value_from_tag(unpitch, "display-step", str) octave = get_value_from_tag(unpitch, "display-octave", int) noteheadtag = e.find("notehead") noteheadstylebool = True notehead = None if noteheadtag is not None: notehead = get_value_from_tag(e, "notehead", str) noteheadstyle = get_value_from_attribute(noteheadtag, "filled", str) if noteheadstyle is not None: noteheadstylebool = {"no": False, "yes": True}[noteheadstyle] note = score.UnpitchedNote( step=step, octave=octave, id=note_id, voice=voice, staff=staff, notehead=notehead, noteheadstyle=noteheadstylebool, articulations=articulations, symbolic_duration=symbolic_duration, doc_order=doc_order, ) else: # note element is a rest note = score.Rest( id=note_id, voice=voice, staff=staff, symbolic_duration=symbolic_duration, articulations=articulations, doc_order=doc_order, ) part.add(note, position, position + duration) ties = e.findall("tie") if len(ties) > 0: tie_key = ("tie", getattr(note, "midi_pitch", "rest")) tie_types = set(tie.attrib["type"] for tie in ties) if "stop" in tie_types: tie_prev = ongoing.get(tie_key, None) if tie_prev: note.tie_prev = tie_prev tie_prev.tie_next = note del ongoing[tie_key] if "start" in tie_types: ongoing[tie_key] = note notations = e.find("notations") if notations is not None: if notations.find("fermata") is not None: fermata = score.Fermata(note) part.add(fermata, position) note.fermata = fermata starting_slurs, stopping_slurs = handle_slurs( notations, ongoing, note, position ) for slur in starting_slurs: part.add(slur, position) for slur in stopping_slurs: part.add(slur, end=position + duration) starting_tups, stopping_tups = handle_tuplets(notations, ongoing, note) for tup in starting_tups: part.add(tup, position) for tup in stopping_tups: part.add(tup, end=position + duration) new_position = position + duration return new_position, note def handle_tuplets(notations, ongoing, note): starting_tuplets = [] stopping_tuplets = [] tuplets = notations.findall("tuplet") # this sorts all found tuplets by type (either 'start' or 'stop') # in reverse order, so all with type 'stop' will be before # the ones with 'start'?!. tuplets.sort(key=lambda x: x.attrib["type"], reverse=True) # Now that the tuplets are sorted by their type, sort them # by their numbers; First note that tuplets do not always # have a number attribute, then 1 is implied. tuplets.sort( key=lambda x: get_value_from_attribute(x, "number", int) or note.voice or 1 ) for tuplet_e in tuplets: tuplet_number = get_value_from_attribute(tuplet_e, "number", int) or note.voice tuplet_type = get_value_from_attribute(tuplet_e, "type", str) start_tuplet_key = ("start_tuplet", tuplet_number) stop_tuplet_key = ("stop_tuplet", tuplet_number) if tuplet_type == "start": # check if we have a stopped_tuplet in ongoing that corresponds to # this start tuplet = ongoing.pop(stop_tuplet_key, None) if tuplet is None: tuplet = score.Tuplet(note) ongoing[start_tuplet_key] = tuplet else: tuplet.start_note = note starting_tuplets.append(tuplet) elif tuplet_type == "stop": tuplet = ongoing.pop(start_tuplet_key, None) if tuplet is None: # tuplet stop occurs before tuplet start in document order, that # is a valid scenario tuplet = score.Tuplet(None, note) ongoing[stop_tuplet_key] = tuplet else: tuplet.end_note = note stopping_tuplets.append(tuplet) return starting_tuplets, stopping_tuplets def handle_slurs(notations, ongoing, note, position): # we need position here to check for erroneous slurs: sometimes a slur stop # is encountered before the corresponding slur start. This is a valid use # case (e.g. slur starts in staff 2 and ends in staff 1). However, if the # stop is before the start in time, then it is just a MusicXML encoding # error. starting_slurs = [] stopping_slurs = [] slurs = notations.findall("slur") # this sorts all found slurs by type (either 'start' or 'stop') # in reverse order, so all with type 'stop' will be before # the ones with 'start'?!. slurs.sort(key=lambda x: x.attrib["type"], reverse=True) # Now that the slurs are sorted by their type, sort them # by their numbers; First note that slurs do not always # have a number attribute, then 1 is implied. slurs.sort( key=lambda x: get_value_from_attribute(x, "number", int) or note.voice or 1 ) for slur_e in slurs: slur_number = get_value_from_attribute(slur_e, "number", int) or note.voice slur_type = get_value_from_attribute(slur_e, "type", str) start_slur_key = ("start_slur", slur_number) stop_slur_key = ("stop_slur", slur_number) if slur_type == "start": # check if we have a stopped_slur in ongoing that corresponds to # this stop slur = ongoing.pop(stop_slur_key, None) # if slur.end_note.start.t < position then the slur stop is # rogue. We drop it and treat the slur start like a fresh start if slur is None or slur.end_note.start.t < position: if slur and slur.end_note.start.t < position: msg = ( "Dropping slur {} starting at {} ({}) and ending " "at {} ({})".format( slur_number, position,, slur.end_note.start.t,, ) ) warnings.warn(msg) # remove the slur from the timeline slur.end_note.start.remove_ending_object(slur) # remove the reference to the slur in the end note slur.end_note.slur_stops.remove(slur) slur = score.Slur(note) ongoing[start_slur_key] = slur else: slur.start_note = note starting_slurs.append(slur) elif slur_type == "stop": slur = ongoing.pop(start_slur_key, None) if slur is None or slur.start_note.start.t > position: if slur and slur.start_note.start.t > position: msg = ( "Dropping slur {} starting at {} ({}) and ending " "at {} ({})".format( slur_number, slur.start_note.start.t,, position,, ) ) warnings.warn(msg) # remove the slur from the timeline slur.start_note.start.remove_starting_object(slur) # remove the reference to the slur in the end note slur.start_note.slur_starts.remove(slur) # slur stop occurs before slur start in document order, that # is a valid scenario slur = score.Slur(None, note) ongoing[stop_slur_key] = slur else: slur.end_note = note stopping_slurs.append(slur) return starting_slurs, stopping_slurs def get_grace_info(grace): # grace note handling grace_type = "grace" steal_proportion = None slash_text = get_value_from_attribute(grace, "slash", str) if slash_text == "yes": grace_type = "acciaccatura" steal_prc = get_value_from_attribute(grace, "steal-time-following", float) if steal_prc is not None: steal_proportion = steal_prc / 100 grace_type = "appoggiatura" steal_prc = get_value_from_attribute(grace, "steal-time-previous", float) if steal_prc is not None: steal_proportion = steal_prc / 100 grace_type = "acciaccatura" return grace_type, steal_proportion def get_articulations(e): # <!ELEMENT articulations # ((accent | strong-accent | staccato | tenuto | # detached-legato | staccatissimo | spiccato | # scoop | plop | doit | falloff | breath-mark | # caesura | stress | unstress | soft-accent | # other-articulation)*)> articulations = ( "accent", "strong-accent", "staccato", "tenuto", "detached-legato", "staccatissimo", "spiccato", "scoop", "plop", "doit", "falloff", "breath-mark", "caesura", "stress", "unstress", "soft-accent", ) return [a for a in articulations if e.find(a) is not None] def get_ornaments(e): # ornaments elements: # trill-mark # turn # delayed-turn # inverted-turn # delayed-inverted-turn # vertical-turn # inverted-vertical-turn # shake # wavy-line # mordent # inverted-mordent # schleifer # tremolo # haydn # other-ornament ornaments = ( "trill-mark", "turn", "delayed-turn", "inverted-turn", "delayed-inverted-turn", "vertical-turn", "inverted-vertical-turn", "shake", "wavy-line", "mordent", "inverted-mordent", "schleifer", "tremolo", "haydn", "other-ornament", ) return [a for a in ornaments if e.find(a) is not None]
[docs]@deprecated_alias(fn="filename") def musicxml_to_notearray( filename, flatten_parts=True, include_pitch_spelling=False, include_key_signature=False, include_time_signature=False, ): """Return pitch, onset, and duration information for notes from a MusicXML file as a structured array. By default a single array is returned by combining the note information of all parts in the MusicXML file. Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to a MusicXML file flatten_parts : bool If `True`, returns a single array containing all notes. Otherwise, returns a list of arrays for each part. include_pitch_spelling : bool (optional) If `True`, includes pitch spelling information for each note. Default is False include_key_signature : bool (optional) If `True`, includes key signature information, i.e., the key signature at the onset time of each note (all notes starting at the same time have the same key signature). Default is False include_time_signature : bool (optional) If `True`, includes time signature information, i.e., the time signature at the onset time of each note (all notes starting at the same time have the same time signature). Default is False Returns ------- note_arrays : structured array or list of structured arrays Structured array or list of structured arrays containing score information. """ scr = load_musicxml( filename=filename, force_note_ids="keep", ) note_arrays = [] for part in # Unfold any repetitions in part unfolded_part = score.unfold_part_maximal(part) # Compute note array note_array = ensure_notearray( notearray_or_part=unfolded_part, include_pitch_spelling=include_pitch_spelling, include_key_signature=include_key_signature, include_time_signature=include_time_signature, ) note_arrays.append(note_array) if len(note_arrays) == 1: return note_arrays[0] elif len(note_arrays) > 1 and flatten_parts: return np.hstack(note_arrays) else: return note_arrays