Source code for partitura.performance

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains a lightweight ontology to represent a performance in a
MIDI-like format. A performance is defined at the highest level by a
:class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart`. This object contains performed
notes as well as continuous control parameters, such as sustain pedal.

from typing import Union, List, Optional, Iterator, Iterable as Itertype
import numpy as np
from partitura.utils import note_array_from_part_list
from import seconds_to_midi_ticks

__all__ = [

[docs]class PerformedPart(object): """Represents a performed part, e.g. all notes and related controller/modifiers of one single instrument. Performed notes are stored as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a performed note, should have at least the keys "note_on", "note_off", the onset and offset times of the note in seconds, respectively. Continuous controls are also stored as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a control change. Each dictionary should have a key "type" (the name of the control, e.g. "sustain_pedal", "soft_pedal"), "time" (in seconds), and "value" (a number). Parameters ---------- notes : list A list of dictionaries containing performed note information. id : str The identifier of the part controls : list A list of dictionaries containing continuous control information part_name : str Name for the part sustain_pedal_threshold : int The threshold above which sustain pedal values are considered to be equivalent to on. For values below the threshold the sustain pedal is treated as off. Defaults to 64. ppq : int Parts per Quarter (ppq) of the MIDI encoding. Defaults to 480. mpq : int Microseconds per Quarter (mpq) tempo of the MIDI encoding. Defaults to 500000. Attributes ---------- notes : list A list of dictionaries containing performed note information. id : str The identifier of the part part_name : str Name for the part controls : list A list of dictionaries containing continuous control information programs : list List of dictionaries containing program change information """ def __init__( self, notes: List[dict], id: str = None, part_name: str = None, controls: List[dict] = None, programs: List[dict] = None, sustain_pedal_threshold: int = 64, ppq: int = 480, mpq: int = 500000, track: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__() = id self.part_name = part_name self.notes = list( map( lambda n: n if isinstance(n, PerformedNote) else PerformedNote(n), notes ) ) self.controls = controls or [] self.programs = programs or [] self.ppq = ppq self.mpq = mpq self.track = track self.sustain_pedal_threshold = sustain_pedal_threshold @property def sustain_pedal_threshold(self) -> int: """The threshold value (number) above which sustain pedal values are considered to be equivalent to on. For values below the threshold the sustain pedal is treated as off. Defaults to 64. Based on the control items of type "sustain_pedal", in combination with the value of the "sustain_pedal_threshold" attribute, the note dictionaries will be extended with a key "sound_off". This key represents the time the note will stop sounding. When the sustain pedal is off, `sound_off` will coincide with `note_off`. When the sustain pedal is on, `sound_off` will equal the earliest time the sustain pedal is off after `note_off`. The `sound_off` values of notes will be automatically recomputed each time the `sustain_pedal_threshold` is set. """ return self._sustain_pedal_threshold @sustain_pedal_threshold.setter def sustain_pedal_threshold(self, value: int) -> None: """ Set the pedal threshold and update the sound_off of the notes. The threshold is a MIDI CC value between 0 and 127. The higher the threshold, the more restrained the pedal use and the drier the performance. Set to 127 to deactivate pedal. """ self._sustain_pedal_threshold = value if len(self.notes) > 0: adjust_offsets_w_sustain( self.notes, self.controls, self._sustain_pedal_threshold ) @property def num_tracks(self) -> int: """Number of tracks""" return len( set( [n.get("track", -1) for n in self.notes] + [c.get("track", -1) for c in self.controls] + [p.get("track", -1) for p in self.programs] ) )
[docs] def note_array(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Structured array containing performance information. The fields are 'id', 'pitch', 'onset_div', 'duration_div', 'onset_sec', 'duration_sec' and 'velocity'. """ fields = [ ("onset_sec", "f4"), ("duration_sec", "f4"), ("onset_tick", "i4"), ("duration_tick", "i4"), ("pitch", "i4"), ("velocity", "i4"), ("track", "i4"), ("channel", "i4"), ("id", "U256"), ] note_array = [] for n in self.notes: note_on_sec = n["note_on"] note_on_tick = n.get( "note_on_tick", seconds_to_midi_ticks(n["note_on"], mpq=self.mpq, ppq=self.ppq), ) offset = n.get("sound_off", n["note_off"]) duration_sec = offset - note_on_sec duration_tick = ( n.get( "note_off_tick", seconds_to_midi_ticks(n["note_off"], mpq=self.mpq, ppq=self.ppq), ) - note_on_tick ) note_array.append( ( note_on_sec, duration_sec, note_on_tick, duration_tick, n["midi_pitch"], n["velocity"], n.get("track", 0), n.get("channel", 1), n["id"], ) ) return np.array(note_array, dtype=fields)
[docs] @classmethod def from_note_array( cls, note_array: np.ndarray, id: str = None, part_name: str = None, ): """Create an instance of PerformedPart from a note_array. Note that this property does not include non-note information (i.e. controls such as sustain pedal). """ if "id" not in note_array.dtype.names: n_ids = ["n{0}".format(i) for i in range(len(note_array))] else: # Check if all ids are the same if np.all(note_array["id"] == note_array["id"][0]): n_ids = ["n{0}".format(i) for i in range(len(note_array))] else: n_ids = note_array["id"] if "track" not in note_array.dtype.names: tracks = np.zeros(len(note_array), dtype=int) else: tracks = note_array["track"] if "channel" not in note_array.dtype.names: channels = np.ones(len(note_array), dtype=int) else: channels = note_array["channel"] notes = [] for nid, note, track, channel in zip(n_ids, note_array, tracks, channels): notes.append( dict( id=nid, midi_pitch=note["pitch"], note_on=note["onset_sec"], note_off=note["onset_sec"] + note["duration_sec"], sound_off=note["onset_sec"] + note["duration_sec"], track=track, channel=channel, velocity=note["velocity"], ) ) return cls(id=id, part_name=part_name, notes=notes, controls=None)
def adjust_offsets_w_sustain( notes: List[dict], controls: List[dict], threshold=64, ) -> None: # get all note offsets offs = np.fromiter((n["note_off"] for n in notes), dtype=float) first_off = np.min(offs) last_off = np.max(offs) # Get pedal times pedal = np.array( [(x["time"], x["value"] > threshold) for x in controls if x["number"] == 64] ) if len(pedal) == 0: for note in notes: note["sound_off"] = note["note_off"] return # sort, just in case pedal = pedal[np.argsort(pedal[:, 0]), :] # reduce the pedal info to just the times where there is a change in pedal state pedal = np.vstack( ( (min(pedal[0, 0] - 1, first_off - 1), 0), pedal[0, :], # if there is an onset before the first pedal info, assume pedal is off pedal[np.where(np.diff(pedal[:, 1]) != 0)[0] + 1, :], # if there is an offset after the last pedal info, assume pedal is off (max(pedal[-1, 0] + 1, last_off + 1), 0), ) ) last_pedal_change_before_off = np.searchsorted(pedal[:, 0], offs) - 1 pedal_state_at_off = pedal[last_pedal_change_before_off, 1] pedal_down_at_off = pedal_state_at_off == 1 next_pedal_time = pedal[last_pedal_change_before_off + 1, 0] offs[pedal_down_at_off] = next_pedal_time[pedal_down_at_off] for offset, note in zip(offs, notes): note["sound_off"] = offset class PerformedNote: """ A dictionary-like object representing a performed note. Parameters ---------- pnote_dict : dict A dictionary containing performed note information. This information can contain the following fields: "id", "pitch", "note_on", "note_off", "velocity", "track", "channel", "sound_off". If not provided, the default values will be used. Pitch, note_on, and note_off are required. """ def __init__(self, pnote_dict): self.pnote_dict = pnote_dict self.pnote_dict["id"] = self.pnote_dict.get("id", None) self.pnote_dict["pitch"] = self.pnote_dict.get("pitch", self["midi_pitch"]) self.pnote_dict["note_on"] = self.pnote_dict.get("note_on", -1) self.pnote_dict["note_off"] = self.pnote_dict.get("note_off", -1) self.pnote_dict["sound_off"] = self.pnote_dict.get( "sound_off", self["note_off"] ) self.pnote_dict["track"] = self.pnote_dict.get("track", 0) self.pnote_dict["channel"] = self.pnote_dict.get("channel", 1) self.pnote_dict["velocity"] = self.pnote_dict.get("velocity", 60) self._validate_values(pnote_dict) self._accepted_keys = [ "id", "pitch", "note_on", "note_off", "velocity", "track", "channel", "sound_off", "note_on_tick", "note_off_tick", ] def __str__(self): return f"PerformedNote: {self['id']}" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(PerformedNote): return False if not self.keys() == other.keys(): return False return np.all( np.array([self[k] == other[k] for k in self.keys() if k in other.keys()]) ) def keys(self): return self.pnote_dict.keys() def get(self, key, default=None): return self.pnote_dict.get(key, default) def __hash__(self): return hash(self["id"]) def __lt__(self, other): return self["note_on"] < other["note_on"] def __le__(self, other): return self["note_on"] <= other["note_on"] def __gt__(self, other): return self["note_on"] > other["note_on"] def __ge__(self, other): return self["note_on"] >= other["note_on"] def __getitem__(self, key): return self.pnote_dict.get(key, None) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._accepted_keys: raise KeyError(f"Key {key} not accepted for PerformedNote") self._validate_values((key, value)) self.pnote_dict[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): raise KeyError("Cannot delete items from PerformedNote") def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.keys() def copy(self): return PerformedNote(self.pnote_dict.copy()) def _validate_values(self, d): if isinstance(d, dict): dd = d elif isinstance(d, tuple): dd = {d[0]: d[1]} else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value {d} provided for PerformedNote") for key, value in dd.items(): if key == "pitch": self._validate_pitch(value) elif key == "note_on": self._validate_note_on(value) elif key == "note_off": self._validate_note_off(value) elif key == "velocity": self._validate_velocity(value) elif key == "sound_off": self._validate_sound_off(value) elif key == "note_on_tick": self._validate_note_on_tick(value) elif key == "note_off_tick": self._validate_note_off_tick(value) def _validate_sound_off(self, value): if self.get("note_off", -1) < 0: return if value < 0: raise ValueError(f"sound_off must be greater than or equal to 0") if value < self.pnote_dict["note_off"]: raise ValueError(f"sound_off must be greater or equal to note_off") def _validate_note_on(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError( f"Note on value provided is invalid, must be greater than or equal to 0" ) def _validate_note_off(self, value): if self.pnote_dict.get("note_on", -1) < 0: return if value < 0 or value < self.pnote_dict["note_on"]: raise ValueError( f"Note off value provided is invalid, " f"must be a positive value greater than or equal to 0 and greater or equal to note_on" ) def _validate_note_on_tick(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError( f"Note on tick value provided is invalid, must be greater than or equal to 0" ) def _validate_note_off_tick(self, value): if self.pnote_dict.get("note_on_tick", -1) < 0: return if value < 0 or value < self.pnote_dict["note_on_tick"]: raise ValueError( f"Note off tick value provided is invalid, " f"must be a positive value greater than or equal to 0 and greater or equal to note_on_tick" ) def _validate_pitch(self, value): if value > 127 or value < 0: raise ValueError(f"pitch must be between 0 and 127") def _validate_velocity(self, value): if value > 127 or value < 0: raise ValueError(f"velocity must be between 0 and 127")
[docs]class Performance(object): """Main object for representing a performance. The `Performance` object is basically an iterable that provides access to all `PerformedPart` objects in a musical score. Parameters ---------- id : str The identifier of the performance. performer: str, optional. The person or machine performing. title: str, optional Title of the score. subtitle: str, optional Subtitle of the score. composer: str, optional Composer of the score. lyricist: str, optional Lyricist of the score. copyright: str, optional. Copyright notice of the score. Attributes ---------- id : str See parameters. performer: str See parameters. title: str See parameters. subtitle: str See parameters. composer: str See parameters. lyricist: str See parameters. copyright: str. See parameters. """ id: Optional[str] title: Optional[str] subtitle: Optional[str] lyricist: Optional[str] copyright: Optional[str] performedparts: List[PerformedPart] def __init__( self, performedparts: Union[PerformedPart, Itertype[PerformedPart]], id: str = None, performer: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, subtitle: Optional[str] = None, composer: Optional[str] = None, lyricist: Optional[str] = None, copyright: Optional[str] = None, ensure_unique_tracks: bool = True, ) -> None: = id if isinstance(performedparts, PerformedPart): self.performedparts = [performedparts] elif isinstance(performedparts, Itertype): if not all([isinstance(pp, PerformedPart) for pp in performedparts]): raise ValueError( "`performedparts` should be a list of `PerformedPart` objects!" ) self.performedparts = list(performedparts) else: raise ValueError( "`performedparts` should be a `PerformedPart` or a list of " f"`PerformedPart` objects but is {type(performedparts)}." ) # Metadata self.performer = performer self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.composer = composer self.lyricist = lyricist self.copyright = copyright if ensure_unique_tracks: self.sanitize_track_numbers() @property def num_tracks(self) -> int: """ Number of tracks in the performance """ n_tracks = len( set( [(i, n.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for n in pp.notes] + [ (i, c.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for c in pp.controls ] + [ (i, p.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for p in pp.programs ] ) ) return n_tracks
[docs] def sanitize_track_numbers(self) -> None: """ Ensure that the track number info in each `PerformedPart` in self.performedparts is unique (i.e., that a track number does not appear in multiple `PerformedPart` instances) """ unique_track_ids = list( set( [(i, n.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for n in pp.notes] + [ (i, c.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for c in pp.controls ] + [ (i, p.get("track", -1)) for i, pp in enumerate(self) for p in pp.programs ] ) ) track_map = dict([(tid, ti) for ti, tid in enumerate(unique_track_ids)]) for i, ppart in enumerate(self): for note in ppart.notes: note["track"] = track_map[(i, note.get("track", -1))] for control in ppart.controls: control["track"] = track_map[(i, control.get("track", -1))] for program in ppart.programs: program["track"] = track_map[(i, program.get("track", -1))]
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> PerformedPart: """Get `Part in the score by index""" return self.performedparts[index] def __setitem__(self, index: int, pp: PerformedPart) -> None: """Set `Part` in the score by index""" # TODO: How to update the score structure as well? self.performedparts[index] = pp def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PerformedPart]: self.iter_idx = 0 return self def __next__(self) -> PerformedPart: if self.iter_idx == len(self.performedparts): raise StopIteration res = self[self.iter_idx] self.iter_idx += 1 return res def __len__(self) -> int: """ The lenght of the score is the number of part objects in `` """ return len(self.performedparts)
[docs] def note_array(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Get a note array that concatenates the note arrays of all Part/PartGroup objects in the score. """ return note_array_from_part_list(self.performedparts, *args, **kwargs)
# Alias for typing performance-like objects PerformanceLike = Union[List[PerformedPart], PerformedPart, Performance]