Source code for partitura.musicanalysis.tonal_tension

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods to compute Chew's  spiral array representation
and the tonal tension profiles using Herreman and Chew's tension ribbons


.. [1] D. Herremans and E. Chew (2016) Tension ribbons: Quantifying and
       visualising tonal tension. Proceedings of the Second International
       Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation
       (TENOR), Cambridge, UK.
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as distance
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from partitura.utils import get_time_units_from_note_array, ensure_notearray, add_field

__all__ = ["estimate_tonaltension"]

# Scaling factors
A = np.sqrt(2.0 / 15.0) * np.pi / 2.0
R = 1.0

# From Elaine Chew's thesis
DEFAULT_WEIGHTS = np.array([0.516, 0.315, 0.168])
ALPHA = 0.75
BETA = 0.75

STEPS_BY_FIFTHS = ["F", "C", "G", "D", "A", "E", "B"]

for alt in range(-4, 5):
    NOTES_BY_FIFTHS += [(step, alt) for step in STEPS_BY_FIFTHS]

# Index of C
C_IDX = NOTES_BY_FIFTHS.index(("C", 0))
# C lies in the middle of the spiral array
T = (np.arange(len(NOTES_BY_FIFTHS)) - C_IDX) * np.pi / 2.0

def e_distance(x, y):
    Euclidean distance between two points
    return np.sqrt(((x - y) ** 2).sum())

def helical_to_cartesian(t, r=R, a=A):
    Transform helical coordinates to cartesian
    x = r * np.sin(t)
    y = r * np.cos(t)
    z = a * t

    return x, y, z

def ensure_norm(x):
    Ensure that vectors are normalized
    if not np.isclose(x.sum(), 1):
        return x / x.sum()
        return x

X, Y, Z = helical_to_cartesian(T)
PITCH_COORDINATES = np.column_stack((X, Y, Z))
MAJOR_IDXS = np.array([0, 1, 4], dtype=int)
MINOR_IDXS = np.array([0, 1, -3], dtype=int)

# The scaling factor is the distance between C and B#, as used
# in Cancino-Chacón and Grachten (2018)
SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0 / e_distance(

def major_chord(tonic_idx, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS):
    Major chord representation in the spiral array space.

    tonic_idx : int
        Index of the root of the chord in NOTES_BY_FIFTHS
    w : array
        3D vector containing the tonal weights. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS.

    chord : array
        Vector representation of the chord
    return, PITCH_COORDINATES[MAJOR_IDXS + tonic_idx])

def minor_chord(tonic_idx, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS):
    Minor chord representation in the spiral array space.

    tonic_idx : int
        Index of the root of the chord in NOTES_BY_FIFTHS
    w : array
        3D vector containing the tonal weights. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS.

    chord : array
        Vector representation of the chord
    return, PITCH_COORDINATES[MINOR_IDXS + tonic_idx])

def major_key(tonic_idx, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS):
    Major key representation in the spiral array space.

    tonic_idx : int
        Index of the tonic of the key in NOTES_BY_FIFTHS
    w : array
        3D vector containing the tonal weights. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS.

    ce : array
        Vector representation of the center of effect of the key

    chords = np.array(
            major_chord(tonic_idx, w),
            major_chord(tonic_idx + 1, w),
            major_chord(tonic_idx - 1, w),

    return, chords)

def minor_key(tonic_idx, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA):
    Minor key representation in the spiral array space

    tonic_idx : int
        Index of the tonic of the key in NOTES_BY_FIFTHS
    w : array
        3D vector containing the tonal weights. Default is DEFAULT_WEIGHTS.
    alpha : float
        Preference for V vs v chord in minor key (should lie between 0 and 1)
    beta : float
        Preference for iv vs IV in minor key (should lie between 0 and 1)

    ce : array
        Vector representation of the center of effect of the key

    if alpha > 1.0 or alpha < 0:
        raise ValueError("`alpha` should be between 0 and 1.")

    if beta > 1.0 or beta < 0:
        raise ValueError("`beta` should be between 0 and 1.")

    chords = np.array(
            minor_chord(tonic_idx, w),
                alpha * major_chord(tonic_idx + 1, w)
                + (1 - alpha) * minor_chord(tonic_idx + 1, w)
                beta * minor_chord(tonic_idx - 1, w)
                + (1 - beta) * major_chord(tonic_idx - 1, w)

    return, chords)

def cloud_diameter(cloud):
    The Cloud Diameter measures the maximal tonal distance of the notes
    in a chord (or cloud of notes).

    cloud : 3D array
        Array containing the coordinates in the spiral array
        of the notes in the cloud.

    diameter : float
        Largest distance between any two notes in a cloud
    return distance.pdist(cloud, metric="euclidean").max()

def center_of_effect(cloud, duration):
    The center of effect condenses musical information
    in the spiral array by a single point.

    cloud : 3D array
        Array containing the coordinates in the spiral array
        of the notes in the cloud.
    duration : array
        Array containing the duration of each note in the cloud

    ce : array
       Coordinates of the center of effect
    return (duration.reshape(-1, 1) * cloud).sum(0) / duration.sum()

class TonalTension(object):
    """Base class for TonalTension features"""

    def compute_tension(self, cloud, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

class CloudDiameter(TonalTension):
    Compute cloud diameter

    def compute_tension(self, cloud, scale_factor=SCALE_FACTOR, **kwargs):
        if len(cloud) > 1:
            return cloud_diameter(cloud) * scale_factor
            return 0.0

class TensileStrain(TonalTension):
    Compute tensile strain

    def __init__(
        self, tonic_idx=0, mode="major", w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA
        self.update_key(tonic_idx, mode, w, alpha, beta)

    def compute_tension(
        self, cloud, duration, scale_factor=SCALE_FACTOR, *args, **kwargs
        if duration.sum() == 0:
            return 0

        cloud_ce = center_of_effect(cloud, duration)

        return e_distance(cloud_ce, self.key_ce) * scale_factor

    def update_key(self, tonic_idx, mode, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA):
        if mode in ("major", None, 1):
            self.key_ce = major_key(tonic_idx, w=w)
        elif mode in ("minor", -1):
            self.key_ce = minor_key(tonic_idx, w=w, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

class CloudMomentum(TonalTension):
    Compute cloud momentum

    def __init__(self):
        self.prev_ce = None

    def compute_tension(
        self, cloud, duration, reset=False, scale_factor=SCALE_FACTOR, *args, **kwargs
        if duration.sum() == 0:
            return 0

        if reset:
            self.prev_ce = None
        cloud_ce = center_of_effect(cloud, duration)

        if self.prev_ce is not None:
            tension = e_distance(cloud_ce, self.prev_ce) * scale_factor

            tension = 0

        self.prev_ce = cloud_ce

        return tension

def notes_to_idx(note_array):
    Index of the note names in the spiral array
    note_idxs = np.array(
        [NOTES_BY_FIFTHS.index((n["step"], n["alter"])) for n in note_array],
    return note_idxs

def prepare_note_array(note_info):
    note_array = ensure_notearray(
        note_info, include_pitch_spelling=True, include_key_signature=True

    onset_unit, duration_unit = get_time_units_from_note_array(note_array)

    pitch_spelling_fields = ("step", "alter", "octave")
    key_signature_fields = ("ks_fifths", "ks_mode")

    if len(set(pitch_spelling_fields).difference(note_array.dtype.names)) > 0:
            "No pitch spelling information! Estimating pitch spelling...", stacklevel=2
        from partitura.musicanalysis.pitch_spelling import estimate_spelling

        spelling = estimate_spelling(note_array)

        note_array = add_field(note_array, spelling.dtype)

        for field in spelling.dtype.names:
            note_array[field] = spelling[field]

    if len(set(key_signature_fields).difference(note_array.dtype.names)) > 0:
        warnings.warn("No key information! Estimating key...", stacklevel=2)
        from partitura.musicanalysis.key_identification import estimate_key
        from import key_name_to_fifths_mode, key_mode_to_int

        key_name = estimate_key(note_array)
        fifths, mode = key_name_to_fifths_mode(key_name)

        note_array = add_field(note_array, [("ks_fifths", "i4"), ("ks_mode", "i4")])

        note_array["ks_fifths"] = np.ones(len(note_array)) * fifths
        note_array["ks_mode"] = np.ones(len(note_array)) * key_mode_to_int(mode)

    return note_array

def key_map_from_keysignature(notearray, onset_unit="auto"):
    Helper method to get the key map from the key signature information
    in note arrays generated with `prepare_note_array`.

    notearray : structured array
        Structured array with score information. Required fields are
        `ks_fifths`, `ks_mode` and `onset`.

    km : function
        Function that maps onset time in beats to the key signature
        in the score.
    if onset_unit == "auto":
        onset_unit, _ = get_time_units_from_note_array(notearray)

    onsets = notearray[onset_unit]

    unique_onsets = np.unique(onsets)
    unique_onset_idxs = [np.where(onsets == u)[0] for u in unique_onsets]

    kss = np.zeros((len(unique_onsets), 2), dtype=int)

    for i, uix in enumerate(unique_onset_idxs):
        # Deal with potential multiple key singatures in the same onset?
        ks = np.unique(
            np.column_stack((notearray["ks_fifths"][uix], notearray["ks_mode"][uix])),
        if len(ks) > 1:
                "Multiple Key signtures detected at score position. "
                "Taking the first one."
        kss[i] = ks[0]

    return interp1d(

[docs]def estimate_tonaltension( note_info, ws=1.0, ss="onset", scale_factor=SCALE_FACTOR, w=DEFAULT_WEIGHTS, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA, ): """ Compute tonal tension ribbons defined in [1]_ Parameters ---------- note_info : structured array, `Part` or `PerformedPart` Note information as a `Part` or `PerformedPart` instances or as a structured array. If it is a structured array, it has to contain the fields generated by the `note_array` properties of `Part` or `PerformedPart` objects. If the array contains onset and duration information of both score and performance, (e.g., containing both `onset_beat` and `onset_sec`), the score information will be preferred. Furthermore, this method requires pitch spelling and key signature information. If a structured note array is provided as input, this information can be optionally provided in fields `step`, `alter`, `ks_fifths` and `ks_mode`. If these fields are not found in the input structured array, they will be estimated using the key and pitch spelling estimation methods from `partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_key` and and `partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_spelling`, respectively. ws : {int, float, np.array}, optional Window size for computing the tonal tension. If a number, it determines the size of the window centered at each specified score position (see `ss` below). If a numpy array, a 2D array of shape (`len(ss)`, 2) specifying the left and right distance from each score position in `ss`. Default is 1 beat. ss : {float, int, np.array, 'onset'}, optional. Step size or score position for computing the tonal tension features. If a number, this parameter determines the size of the step (in beats) starting from the first score position. If an array, it specifies the score positions at which the tonal tension is estimated. If 'onset', it computes the tension at each unique score position (i.e., all notes in a chord have the same score position). Default is 'onset'. scale_factor : float A multiplicative scaling factor. w : np.ndarray Weights for the chords alpha : float Alpha. beta : float Beta. Returns ------- tonal_tension : structured array Array containing the tonal tension features. It contains the fields `cloud_diameter`, `cloud_momentum`, `tensile_strain` and `onset`. References ---------- .. [1] D. Herremans and E. Chew (2016) Tension ribbons: Quantifying and visualising tonal tension. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR), Cambridge, UK. """ note_array = prepare_note_array(note_info) onset_unit, duration_unit = get_time_units_from_note_array(note_array) # Open questions: # 1. rename score_onsets/offsets to reflect that other units are also # possible? # 2. In case the input is a performance, perhaps "cluster"/aggregate # the onsets into "chord" onsets or something similar? score_onset = note_array[onset_unit] score_offset = score_onset + note_array[duration_unit] # Determine the score position if isinstance(ss, (float, int)): unique_onsets = np.arange( score_onset.min(), score_offset.max() + (ss * 0.5), step=ss ) elif isinstance(ss, np.ndarray): unique_onsets = ss elif ss == "onset": unique_onsets = np.unique(score_onset) else: raise ValueError( "`ss` has to be a `float`, `int`, a numpy array " 'or "onsets"' ) # Determine the window sizes for each score position if isinstance(ws, (float, int)): ws = np.ones((len(unique_onsets), 2)) * 0.5 * ws elif isinstance(ws, np.ndarray): if len(ws) != len(unique_onsets): raise ValueError("`ws` should have the same length as " "`unique_onsets`") else: raise ValueError("`ws` has to be a `float`, `int` or a numpy array") note_idxs = notes_to_idx(note_array) # Get coordinates of the notes in the piece in the spiral array space piece_coordinates = PITCH_COORDINATES[note_idxs] # Initialize classes for computing tonal tension cd = CloudDiameter() cm = CloudMomentum() # Get key of the piece from key signature information # Perhaps add an automatic method in the future (for # inferring modulations?) km = key_map_from_keysignature(note_array, onset_unit=onset_unit) fifths, mode = km(unique_onsets.min()).astype(int) ts = TensileStrain(tonic_idx=C_IDX + fifths, mode=mode) # Initialize array for holding the tonal tension n_windows = len(unique_onsets) tonal_tension = np.zeros( n_windows, dtype=[ (onset_unit, "f4"), ("cloud_diameter", "f4"), ("cloud_momentum", "f4"), ("tensile_strain", "f4"), ], ) tonal_tension[onset_unit] = unique_onsets # Main loop for computing tension information for i, (o, (wlo, whi)) in enumerate(zip(unique_onsets, ws)): max_time = o + whi min_time = o - wlo ema = set(np.where(score_offset >= max_time)[0]) sma = set(np.where(score_onset <= max_time)[0]) smi = set(np.where(score_onset >= min_time)[0]) emi = set(np.where(score_offset <= max_time)[0]) active_idx = np.array( list(smi.intersection(emi).union(ema.intersection(sma))), dtype=int ) active_idx.sort() cloud = piece_coordinates[active_idx] duration = np.minimum(max_time, score_offset[active_idx]) - np.maximum( min_time, score_onset[active_idx] ) # Update key information if not np.all([fifths, mode] == km(o)): fifths, mode = km(o).astype(int) ts.update_key(tonic_idx=C_IDX + fifths, mode=mode) tonal_tension["cloud_diameter"][i] = cd.compute_tension(cloud) tonal_tension["cloud_momentum"][i] = cm.compute_tension(cloud, duration) tonal_tension["tensile_strain"][i] = ts.compute_tension(cloud, duration) return tonal_tension