Source code for partitura.musicanalysis.performance_features

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implement a series of mid-level descriptors of the performance expressions.
Built upon the low-level basis functions from the performance codec. 

import sys
import types
from typing import Union, List
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
from partitura.score import ScoreLike
from partitura.performance import PerformanceLike, PerformedPart
from partitura.utils.generic import interp1d
from partitura.musicanalysis.performance_codec import (

__all__ = [

# ordinal
OLS = ["ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf", "f", "ff", "fff"]

class InvalidPerformanceFeatureException(Exception):

[docs]def make_performance_features( score: ScoreLike, performance: PerformanceLike, alignment: list, feature_functions: Union[List, str], add_idx: bool = True, ): """ Compute the performance features. This function is defined in the same style of note_features.make_note_features Parameters ---------- score : partitura.score.ScoreLike Score information, can be a part, score performance : partitura.performance.PerformanceLike Performance information, can be a ppart, performance alignment : list The score--performance alignment, a list of dictionaries feature_functions : list or str A list of performance feature functions. Elements of the list can be either the functions themselves or the names of a feature function as strings (or a mix). currently implemented: asynchrony_feature, articulation_feature, dynamics_feature, pedal_feature add_idx: bool add score note idx column to feature array Returns ------- performance_features : structured array """ m_score, unique_onset_idxs, snote_ids = compute_matched_score( score, performance, alignment ) acc = [] if isinstance(feature_functions, str) and feature_functions == "all": feature_functions = list_performance_feats_functions() elif not isinstance(feature_functions, list): raise TypeError( "feature_functions variable {} needs to be list or 'all'".format( feature_functions ) ) for bf in feature_functions: if isinstance(bf, str): # get function by name from module func = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], bf) elif isinstance(bf, types.FunctionType): func = bf else: warnings.warn("Ignoring unknown performance feature function {}".format(bf)) features = func(m_score, unique_onset_idxs, performance) # check if the size and number of the feature function are correct if features.size != 0: n_notes = len(m_score) if len(features) != n_notes: msg = ( "length of feature {} does not equal " "number of notes {}".format(len(features), n_notes) ) raise InvalidPerformanceFeatureException(msg) features_ = rfn.structured_to_unstructured(features) if np.any(np.logical_or(np.isnan(features_), np.isinf(features_))): problematic = np.unique( np.where(np.logical_or(np.isnan(features_), np.isinf(features_)))[1] ) msg = "NaNs or Infs found in the following feature: {} ".format( ", ".join(np.array(features.dtype.names)[problematic]) ) raise InvalidPerformanceFeatureException(msg) # prefix feature names by function name feature_names = [ "{}.{}".format(func.__name__, n) for n in features.dtype.names ] features = rfn.rename_fields( features, dict(zip(features.dtype.names, feature_names)) ) acc.append(features) if add_idx: acc.append(np.array([(idx) for idx in snote_ids], dtype=[("id", "U256")])) performance_features = rfn.merge_arrays(acc, flatten=True, usemask=False) full_performance_features = rfn.join_by("id", performance_features, m_score) full_performance_features = sort_idx = np.lexsort( ( full_performance_features["duration"], full_performance_features["pitch"], full_performance_features["onset"], ) ) full_performance_features = full_performance_features[sort_idx] return full_performance_features
def compute_matched_score( score: ScoreLike, performance: PerformanceLike, alignment: list, ): """ Compute the matched score and add the score features Parameters ---------- score : partitura.score.ScoreLike Score information, can be a part, score performance : partitura.performance.PerformanceLike Performance information, can be a ppart, performance alignment : list The score--performance alignment, a list of dictionaries Returns ------- m_score : np strutured array unique_onset_idxs : list """ m_score, snote_ids = to_matched_score( score, performance, alignment, include_score_markings=True ) (time_params, unique_onset_idxs) = encode_tempo( score_onsets=m_score["onset"], performed_onsets=m_score["p_onset"], score_durations=m_score["duration"], performed_durations=m_score["p_duration"], return_u_onset_idx=True, tempo_smooth="average", ) m_score = rfn.append_fields( m_score, ["beat_period", "timing", "articulation_log", "id"], [ time_params["beat_period"], time_params["timing"], time_params["articulation_log"], snote_ids, ], ["f4", "f4", "f4", "U256"], usemask=False, ) return m_score, unique_onset_idxs, snote_ids def list_performance_feats_functions(): """Return a list of all feature function names defined in this module. The feature function names listed here can be specified by name in the `make_performance_features` function. For example: >>> feature, names = make_performance_features(score, performance, alignment, ['asynchrony_feature']) Returns ------- list A list of strings """ module = sys.modules[__name__] bfs = [] exclude = {"make_feature"} for name in dir(module): if name in exclude: continue member = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name) if isinstance(member, types.FunctionType) and name.endswith("_feature"): bfs.append(name) return bfs def print_performance_feats_functions(): """Print a list of all feature function names defined in this module, with descriptions where available. """ module = sys.modules[__name__] doc_indent = 4 for name in list_performance_feats_functions(): print("* {}".format(name)) member = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name) if member.__doc__: print( " " * doc_indent + member.__doc__.replace("\n", " " * doc_indent + "\n") ) # alias list_performance_feature_functions = list_performance_feats_functions print_performance_feature_functions = print_performance_feats_functions ### Asynchrony def asynchrony_feature( m_score: np.ndarray, unique_onset_idxs: list, performance: PerformanceLike ): """ Compute the asynchrony attributes from the alignment. Parameters ---------- m_score : list correspondance between score and performance notes, with score markings. unique_onset_idxs : list a list of arrays with the note indexes that have the same onset performance: PerformedPart The original PerformedPart object Returns ------- async_ : structured array structured array (broadcasted to the note level) with the following fields delta [0, 1]: the largest time difference (in seconds) between onsets in this group pitch_cor [-1, 1]: correlation between timing and pitch, min-scaling vel_cor [-1, 1]: correlation between timing and velocity, min-scaling voice_std [0, 1]: std of the avg timing (in seconds) of each voice in this group """ async_ = np.zeros( len(unique_onset_idxs), dtype=[ ("delta", "f4"), ("pitch_cor", "f4"), ("vel_cor", "f4"), ("voice_std", "f4"), ], ) for i, onset_idxs in enumerate(unique_onset_idxs): note_group = m_score[onset_idxs] onset_times = note_group["p_onset"] delta = min(onset_times.max() - onset_times.min(), 1) async_[i]["delta"] = delta midi_pitch = note_group["pitch"] midi_pitch = midi_pitch - midi_pitch.min() # min-scaling onset_times = onset_times - onset_times.min() cor = ( (-1) * np.corrcoef(midi_pitch, onset_times)[0, 1] if (len(midi_pitch) > 1 and sum(midi_pitch) != 0 and sum(onset_times) != 0) else 0 ) # cor=nan if there is only one note in the group async_[i]["pitch_cor"] = cor assert not np.isnan(cor) midi_vel = note_group["velocity"].astype(float) midi_vel = midi_vel - midi_vel.min() cor = ( (-1) * np.corrcoef(midi_vel, onset_times)[0, 1] if (sum(midi_vel) != 0 and sum(onset_times) != 0) else 0 ) async_[i]["vel_cor"] = cor assert not np.isnan(cor) voices = np.unique(note_group["voice"]) voices_onsets = [] for voice in voices: note_in_voice = note_group[note_group["voice"] == voice] voices_onsets.append(note_in_voice["p_onset"].mean()) async_[i]["voice_std"] = min(np.std(np.array(voices_onsets)), 1) return onsetwise_to_notewise(async_, unique_onset_idxs) ### Dynamics ### Articulation def articulation_feature( m_score: np.ndarray, unique_onset_idxs: list, performance: PerformanceLike, return_mask=False, ): """ Compute the articulation attributes (key overlap ratio) from the alignment. Key overlap ratio is the ratio between key overlap time (KOT) and IOI, result in a value between (-1, inf) -1 is the dummy value. For normalization purposes we empirically cap the maximum to 5. References ---------- .. [1] B.Repp: Acoustics, Perception, and Production of Legato Articulation on a Digital Piano Parameters ---------- m_score : list correspondance between score and performance notes, with score markings. unique_onset_idxs : list a list of arrays with the note indexes that have the same onset performance: PerformedPart The original PerformedPart object return_mask : bool if true, return a boolean mask of legato notes, staccato notes and repeated notes Returns ------- kor_ : structured array (1, n_notes) structured array on the note level with fields kor (-1, 5] """ m_score = rfn.append_fields( m_score, "offset", m_score["onset"] + m_score["duration"], usemask=False ) m_score = rfn.append_fields( m_score, "p_offset", m_score["p_onset"] + m_score["p_duration"], usemask=False ) kor_ = np.full(len(m_score), -1, dtype=[("kor", "f4")]) if return_mask: mask = np.full( len(m_score), False, dtype=[("legato", "?"), ("staccato", "?"), ("repeated", "?")], ) # consider the note transition by each voice for voice in np.unique(m_score["voice"]): match_voiced = m_score[m_score["voice"] == voice] for _, note_info in enumerate(match_voiced): if note_info["onset"] == match_voiced["onset"].max(): # last beat break next_note_info = get_next_note( note_info, match_voiced ) # find most plausible transition if next_note_info: # in some cases no meaningful transition j = np.where(m_score == note_info)[0].item() # original position if note_info["offset"] == next_note_info["onset"]: kor_[j]["kor"] = get_kor(note_info, next_note_info) if return_mask: # return the if (note_info["slur_feature.slur_incr"] > 0) or ( note_info["slur_feature.slur_decr"] > 0 ): mask[j]["legato"] = True if note_info["articulation"] == "staccato": mask[j]["staccato"] = True # KOR for repeated notes if note_info["pitch"] == next_note_info["pitch"]: mask[j]["repeated"] = True if return_mask: return kor_, mask else: return kor_ def get_kor(e1, e2): """ calculate the ratio between key overlap time and IOI. In the case of a negative IOI (the order of notes in performance is reversed from the score), set at default 0. is bounded within the interval [-1,5] Parameters ---------- e1 : np.ndarray the m_score row of first note e2 : np.ndarray the m_score of second note Returns ------- kor : float Key overlap ratio """ kot = e1["p_offset"] - e2["p_onset"] ioi = e2["p_onset"] - e1["p_onset"] if ioi <= 0: kor = 0 kor = kot / ioi return min(kor, 5) def get_next_note(note_info, match_voiced): """ get the next note in the same voice that's a reasonable transition Parameters ---------- note_info : np.ndarray the row of current note match_voiced : np.ndarray all notes in the same voice Returns ------- next_position : np.ndarray the next note """ next_position = min(o for o in match_voiced["onset"] if o > note_info["onset"]) # if the next note is not immediate successor of the previous one... if next_position != note_info["onset"] + note_info["duration"]: return None next_position_notes = match_voiced[match_voiced["onset"] == next_position] # from the notes in the next position, find the one that's closest pitch-wise. closest_idx = np.abs((next_position_notes["pitch"] - note_info["pitch"])).argmin() return next_position_notes[closest_idx] ### Pedals def pedal_feature(m_score: list, unique_onset_idxs: list, performance: PerformanceLike): """ Compute the pedal features. Parameters ---------- m_score : list correspondance between score and performance notes, with score markings. unique_onset_idxs : list a list of arrays with the note indexes that have the same onset performance: PerformedPart The original PerformedPart object Returns ------- pedal_ : structured array (4, n_notes) with fields onset_value [0, 127]: The interpolated pedal value at the onset offset_value [0, 127]: The interpolated pedal value at the key offset to_prev_release [0, 10]: delta time from note onset to the previous pedal release 'peak' to_next_release [0, 10]: delta time from note offset to the next pedal release 'peak' (think about something relates to the real duration) """ onset_offset_pedals, ramp_func = pedal_ramp(performance.performedparts[0], m_score) x = np.linspace(0, 100, 200) y = ramp_func(x) peaks, _ = find_peaks(-y, prominence=10) peak_timepoints = x[peaks] release_times = np.zeros( len(m_score), dtype=[("to_prev_release", "f4"), ("to_next_release", "f4")] ) for i, note in enumerate(m_score): peaks_before = peak_timepoints[note["p_onset"] >= peak_timepoints] peaks_after = peak_timepoints[ (note["p_onset"] + note["p_duration"]) <= peak_timepoints ] if len(peaks_before): release_times[i]["to_prev_release"] = min( note["p_onset"] - peaks_before.max(), 10 ) if len(peaks_after): release_times[i]["to_next_release"] = min( peaks_after.min() - (note["p_onset"] + note["p_duration"]), 10 ) return rfn.merge_arrays( [onset_offset_pedals, release_times], flatten=True, usemask=False ) def pedal_ramp(ppart: PerformedPart, m_score: np.ndarray): """Pedal ramp in the same shape as the m_score. Returns: * pramp : a ramp function that ranges from 0 to 127 with the change of sustain pedal """ pedal_controls = ppart.controls W = np.zeros((len(m_score), 2)) onset_timepoints = m_score["p_onset"] offset_timepoints = m_score["p_onset"] + m_score["p_duration"] timepoints = [control["time"] for control in pedal_controls] values = [control["value"] for control in pedal_controls] if len(timepoints) <= 1: # the case there is no pedal timepoints, values = [0, 0], [0, 0] agg_ramp_func = interp1d(timepoints, values, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) W[:, 0] = agg_ramp_func(onset_timepoints) W[:, 1] = agg_ramp_func(offset_timepoints) # Filter out NaN values W[np.isnan(W)] = 0.0 return ( np.array( [tuple(i) for i in W], dtype=[("onset_value", "f4"), ("offset_value", "f4")] ), agg_ramp_func, ) ### Phrasing ### Tempo