Source code for partitura.musicanalysis.meter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implements methods for Meter numerator, Beat, and Tempo estimation.

Implementation adapted from Jakob Woegerbauer
based on a model published by Simon Dixon.[1]


.. [1] Simon Dixon (2001), Automatic extraction of
    tempo and beat from expressive performances.
    Journal of New Music Research, 30(1):39–58

import warnings
import numpy as np

# import scipy.spatial.distance as distance
# from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from partitura.utils import get_time_units_from_note_array, ensure_notearray, add_field

# Scaling factors
MAX = 9999999999999
MAX_INTERVAL = 2  # in seconds
CLUSTER_WIDTH = 1 / 12  # in seconds
INIT_DURATION = 10  # in seconds
TIMEOUT = 10  # in seconds
TOLERANCE_POST = 0.4  # propotion of beat_interval
TOLERANCE_PRE = 0.2  # proportion of beat_interval
CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1 / 4  # higher => more correction (speed changes)
MAX_AGENTS = 100  # delete low-scoring agents when there are more than MAX_AGENTS
CHORD_SPREAD_TIME = 1 / 12  # for onset aggregation

class MultipleAgents:
    Class to compute inter onset interval clusters
    and to instantiate a number of agents to
    approximate beat positions.

    def run(self, onsets, salience):
        self.clusters = []
        self.agents = []
        onsets = np.array(onsets)
        salience = np.array(salience)
        self.init_tracking(onsets, salience)
        self.track(onsets, salience)

    def getTempo(self):
        if len(self.agents) == 0:
            return 120
        return self.agents[0].getTempo()

    def getNum(self):
        if len(self.agents) == 0:
            return 4
        return self.agents[0].getTimeSignatureNum()

    def getBeats(self):
        if len(self.agents) > 0:
            return self.agents[0].history
        return []

    def setup_clusters(self, onsets):
        # create inter-onset interval clusters
        self.clusters = []
        for i in range(len(onsets)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(onsets)):
                ioi = onsets[j] - onsets[i]
                if ioi < MIN_INTERVAL:
                if ioi > MAX_INTERVAL:
                c_min = False
                for c in self.clusters:
                    k = c.getK(ioi)
                    if k:
                        c_min = c
                if c_min:

        # merge clusters
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.clusters):
            c_i = self.clusters[i]
            i = i + 1
            j = i
            while j < len(self.clusters):
                if abs(c_i.interval - self.clusters[j].interval) < CLUSTER_WIDTH:
                    j += 1

        # sanitize
        for c in self.clusters:
            if c.interval <= 0:
            while c.interval < MIN_INTERVAL:
                c.interval *= 2
            while c.interval > MAX_INTERVAL:
                c.interval /= 2

        # merge again
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.clusters):
            c_i = self.clusters[i]
            i = i + 1
            j = i
            while j < len(self.clusters):
                if abs(c_i.interval - self.clusters[j].interval) < CLUSTER_WIDTH:
                    j += 1

        # calculate cluster scores
        for c_i in self.clusters:
            for c_j in self.clusters:
                n = round(c_j.interval / c_i.interval)
                if abs(c_i.interval - n * c_j.interval) < CLUSTER_WIDTH:
                    c_i.score += Cluster.relationship_factor(n) * len(c_j.iois)

        self.clusters = sorted(self.clusters, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[

    def init_tracking(self, onsets, salience):
        self.agents = []
        for c in self.clusters:
            i = 0
            while i < len(onsets) and onsets[i] < INIT_DURATION:
                a = Agent()
                a.beat_interval = c.interval
                a.history.append((onsets[i], salience[i]))
                a.prediction = onsets[i] + c.interval
                a.score = salience[i]
                i += 1

    def track(self, onsets, salience):
        for e_i in range(len(onsets)):
            e = onsets[e_i]
            new_agents = []
            remove_agents = []
            for a in self.agents:
                if e - a.lastBeat() > TIMEOUT:
                    while a.prediction + TOLERANCE_POST * a.beat_interval < e:
                        a.history.append((a.prediction, 0))
                        a.prediction += a.beat_interval
                    if (
                        a.prediction - TOLERANCE_PRE * a.beat_interval <= e
                        and e <= a.prediction + TOLERANCE_POST * a.beat_interval
                        if abs(a.prediction - e) > TOLERANCE_INNER:
                            a_new = Agent()
                            a_new.beat_interval = a.beat_interval
                            a_new.history = a.history[:]
                            a_new.prediction = a.prediction
                            a_new.score = a.score
                        err = e - a.prediction
                        a.beat_interval = a.beat_interval + err * CORRECTION_FACTOR
                        a.prediction = e + a.beat_interval
                        a.history.append((e, salience[e_i]))
                        a.score += (1 - abs(err / a.beat_interval) / 2.0) * salience[

            for a in remove_agents:
            self.agents = self.agents + new_agents

            # remove duplicate agents
            duplicate = np.zeros(len(self.agents))
            agents_all = self.agents[:]
            self.agents = []
            for i in range(len(agents_all)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(agents_all)):
                    if duplicate[i] > 0 or duplicate[j] > 0:

                    if (
                        abs(agents_all[i].beat_interval - agents_all[j].beat_interval)
                        < 0.01
                        and abs(agents_all[i].lastBeat() - agents_all[j].lastBeat())
                        < 0.02
                        if agents_all[i].score > agents_all[j].score:
                            duplicate[j] += 1
                            duplicate[i] += 1

            self.agents = sorted(
                np.asarray(agents_all)[(duplicate < 1)].tolist(),
                key=lambda x: x.score,

        self.agents = sorted(self.agents, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)

class Cluster:
    Class for inter onset interval clusters.

    ioi : float
        an initial inter onset interval


    def __init__(self, ioi) -> None:
        self.iois = np.zeros(0)
        self.score = 0
        self.interval = 0

    def getK(self, ioi):
        diff = abs(self.interval - ioi)
        if diff < CLUSTER_WIDTH:
            return diff
        return False

    def addIoi(self, ioi):
        self.iois = np.append(self.iois, ioi)
        self.interval = np.sum(self.iois) / len(self.iois)

    def relationship_factor(d):
        if 1 <= d and d <= 4:
            return 6 - d
        elif 5 <= d and d <= 8:
            return 1
        return 0

class Agent:
    Class for beat induction agents.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.beat_interval = 0
        self.prediction = 0
        self.history = []
        self.score = 0

    def lastBeat(self):
        i = len(self.history) - 1
        while i > 0 and self.history[i][1] == 0:
            i -= 1
        return self.history[i][0]

    def getTempo(self):
        return (
            60.0 * (len(self.history) - 1) / (self.history[-1][0] - self.history[0][0])

    def getTimeSignatureNum(self):
        possibleNums = [2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 24]
        bestVal = {num: 0 for num in possibleNums}
        salience = list(zip(*self.history))[1]
        sumSalience = sum(salience)
        f = 1.005
        for num in possibleNums:
            for startIdx in range(num):
                dbs = len(salience[startIdx::num])
                if dbs > 1:
                    downbeatSalience = sum(salience[startIdx::num]) / dbs
                    sumSalience = sum(salience[: (dbs - 1) * num])
                    otherSalience = (sumSalience - downbeatSalience * dbs) / (
                        (num - 1) * (dbs - 1)
                    downbeatSalience = 0
                    otherSalience = 1

                ratio = downbeatSalience / otherSalience
                bestVal[num] = max(bestVal[num], ratio)

        bestNum = max(bestVal, key=bestVal.get)

        return bestNum

[docs]def estimate_time(note_info): """ Estimate tempo, meter (currently only time signature numerator), and beats Parameters ---------- note_info : structured array, `Part` or `PerformedPart` Note information as a `Part` or `PerformedPart` instances or as a structured array. If it is a structured array, it has to contain the fields generated by the `note_array` properties of `Part` or `PerformedPart` objects. If the array contains onset and duration information of both score and performance, (e.g., containing both `onset_beat` and `onset_sec`), the score information will be preferred. Returns ------- dict Tempo, meter, and beat information """ note_array = ensure_notearray(note_info) onset_kw, _ = get_time_units_from_note_array(note_array) onsets_raw = note_array[onset_kw] # aggregate notes in clusters aggregated_notes = [(0, 0)] for note_on in onsets_raw: prev_note_on = aggregated_notes[-1][0] prev_note_salience = aggregated_notes[-1][1] if abs(note_on - prev_note_on) < CHORD_SPREAD_TIME: aggregated_notes[-1] = (note_on, prev_note_salience + 1) else: aggregated_notes.append((note_on, 1)) onsets, saliences = list(zip(*aggregated_notes)) ma = MultipleAgents(), saliences) return dict(tempo=ma.getTempo(), meter_numerator=ma.getNum(), beats=ma.getBeats())