Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains methods for exporting MIDI files
import numpy as np

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, Iterable

from mido import MidiFile, MidiTrack, Message, MetaMessage, merge_tracks

import partitura.score as score
from partitura.score import Score, Part, PartGroup, ScoreLike
from partitura.performance import Performance, PerformedPart, PerformanceLike
from partitura.utils import partition

from partitura.utils.misc import deprecated_alias, PathLike

__all__ = ["save_score_midi", "save_performance_midi"]

def get_partgroup(part):
    parent = part
    while parent.parent:
        parent = parent.parent
    return parent

def map_to_track_channel(note_keys, mode):
    ch_helper = {}
    tr_helper = {}
    track = {}
    channel = {}
    for pg, p, v in note_keys:
        if mode == 0:
            trk = tr_helper.setdefault(p, len(tr_helper))
            ch1 = ch_helper.setdefault(p, {})
            ch2 = ch1.setdefault(v, len(ch1) + 1)
            track[(pg, p, v)] = trk
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = ch2
        elif mode == 1:
            trk = tr_helper.setdefault(pg, len(tr_helper))
            ch1 = ch_helper.setdefault(pg, {})
            ch2 = ch1.setdefault(p, len(ch1) + 1)
            track[(pg, p, v)] = trk
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = ch2
        elif mode == 2:
            track[(pg, p, v)] = 0
            ch = ch_helper.setdefault(p, len(ch_helper) + 1)
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = ch
        elif mode == 3:
            trk = tr_helper.setdefault(p, len(tr_helper))
            track[(pg, p, v)] = trk
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = 1
        elif mode == 4:
            track[(pg, p, v)] = 0
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = 1
        elif mode == 5:
            trk = tr_helper.setdefault((p, v), len(tr_helper))
            track[(pg, p, v)] = trk
            channel[(pg, p, v)] = 1
            raise Exception("unsupported part/voice assign mode {}".format(mode))

    result = dict((k, (track.get(k, 0), channel.get(k, 1))) for k in note_keys)
    # for (pg, p, voice), v in result.items():
    #     pgn = pg.group_name if hasattr(pg, 'group_name') else
    #     print(pgn,, voice)
    #     print(v)
    #     print()
    return result

def get_ppq(parts):
    ppqs = np.concatenate(
        [part.quarter_durations()[:, 1] for part in score.iter_parts(parts)]
    ppq = np.lcm.reduce(ppqs)
    return ppq

[docs]@deprecated_alias(performed_part="performance_data") def save_performance_midi( performance_data: PerformanceLike, out: Optional[PathLike], mpq: int = 500000, ppq: int = 480, default_velocity: int = 64, merge_tracks_save: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Optional[MidiFile]: """Save a :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart` or a :class:`~partitura.performance.Performance` as a MIDI file Parameters ---------- performance_data : PerformanceLike The performance to be saved. out : str or file-like object Either a filename or a file-like object to write the MIDI data to. mpq : int, optional Microseconds per quarter note. This is known in MIDI parlance as the "tempo" value. Defaults to 500000 (i.e. 120 BPM). ppq : int, optional Parts per quarter, also known as ticks per beat. Defaults to 480. default_velocity : int, optional A default velocity value (between 0 and 127) to be used for notes without a specified velocity. Defaults to 64. merge_tracks_save : bool, optional Determines whether midi tracks are merged when exporting to a midi file. Defaults to False. Returns ------- None or MidiFile If no output is specified using `out`, the function returns a `MidiFile` object. Otherwise, the function returns None. """ if isinstance(performance_data, Performance): performed_parts = performance_data.performedparts elif isinstance(performance_data, PerformedPart): performed_parts = [performance_data] elif isinstance(performance_data, Iterable): if not all(isinstance(pp, PerformedPart) for pp in performance_data): raise ValueError( "`performance_data` should be a `Performance`, a `PerformedPart`," " or a list of `PerformedPart` instances" ) performed_parts = performed_parts else: raise ValueError( "`performance_data` should be a `Performance`, a `PerformedPart`," f" or a list of `PerformedPart` instances but is {type(performance_data)}" ) track_events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for performed_part in performed_parts: for c in performed_part.controls: track = c.get("track", 0) ch = c.get("channel", 1) t = int(np.round(10**6 * ppq * c["time"] / mpq)) track_events[track][t].append( Message( "control_change", control=c["number"], value=c["value"], channel=ch, ) ) for n in performed_part.notes: track = n.get("track", 0) ch = n.get("channel", 1) t_on = int(np.round(10**6 * ppq * n["note_on"] / mpq)) t_off = int(np.round(10**6 * ppq * n["note_off"] / mpq)) vel = n.get("velocity", default_velocity) track_events[track][t_on].append( Message("note_on", note=n["midi_pitch"], velocity=vel, channel=ch) ) track_events[track][t_off].append( Message("note_off", note=n["midi_pitch"], velocity=0, channel=ch) ) for p in performed_part.programs: track = p.get("track", 0) ch = p.get("channel", 1) t = int(np.round(10**6 * ppq * p["time"] / mpq)) track_events[track][t].append( Message("program_change", program=int(p["program"]), channel=ch) ) if len(performed_part.programs) == 0: # Add default program (to each track/channel) channels_and_tracks = np.array( list( set( [ (c.get("channel", 1), c.get("track", 0)) for c in performed_part.controls ] + [ (n.get("channel", 1), n.get("track", 0)) for n in performed_part.notes ] ) ), dtype=int, ) timepoints = [] for tr in track_events.keys(): timepoints += list(track_events[tr].keys()) timepoints = list(set(timepoints)) for tr in np.unique(channels_and_tracks[:, 1]): channel_idxs = np.where(channels_and_tracks[:, 1] == tr)[0] track_channels = np.unique(channels_and_tracks[channel_idxs, 0]) for ch in track_channels: track_events[tr][min(timepoints)].append( Message("program_change", program=0, channel=ch) ) midi_type = 0 if len(track_events) == 1 else 1 mf = MidiFile(type=midi_type, ticks_per_beat=ppq) for j, i in enumerate(sorted(track_events.keys())): track = MidiTrack() mf.tracks.append(track) if j == 0: track.append(MetaMessage("set_tempo", tempo=mpq, time=0)) t = 0 for t_msg in sorted(track_events[i].keys()): t_delta = t_msg - t for msg in track_events[i][t_msg]: track.append(msg.copy(time=t_delta)) t_delta = 0 t = t_msg if merge_tracks_save and len(mf.tracks) > 1: mf.tracks = [merge_tracks(mf.tracks)] if out is not None: if hasattr(out, "write"): else: else: return mf
[docs]@deprecated_alias(parts="score_data") def save_score_midi( score_data: ScoreLike, out: Optional[PathLike], part_voice_assign_mode: int = 0, velocity: int = 64, anacrusis_behavior: str = "shift", minimum_ppq: int = 0, ) -> Optional[MidiFile]: """Write data from Part objects to a MIDI file Parameters ---------- score_data : Score, list, Part, or PartGroup The musical score to be saved. A :class:`partitura.score.Score` object, a :class:`partitura.score.Part`, a :class:`partitura.score.PartGroup` or a list of these. out : str or file-like object Either a filename or a file-like object to write the MIDI data to. part_voice_assign_mode : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, optional This keyword controls how part and voice information is associated to track and channel information in the MIDI file. The semantics of the modes is as follows: 0 Write one track for each Part, with channels assigned by voices 1 Write one track for each PartGroup, with channels assigned by Parts (voice info is lost) (There can be multiple levels of partgroups, I suggest using the highest level of partgroup/part) [note: this will e.g. lead to all strings into the same track] Each part not in a PartGroup will be assigned its own track 2 Write a single track with channels assigned by Part (voice info is lost) 3 Write one track per Part, and a single channel for all voices (voice info is lost) 4 Write a single track with a single channel (Part and voice info is lost) 5 Return one track per <Part, voice> combination, each track having a single channel. The default mode is 0. velocity : int, optional Default velocity for all MIDI notes. Defaults to 64. anacrusis_behavior : {"shift", "pad_bar", "time_sig_change"}, optional Strategy to deal with anacrusis. If "shift", all time points are shifted by the anacrusis (i.e., the first note starts at 0). If "pad_bar", the "incomplete" bar of the anacrusis is padded with silence. Defaults to 'shift'. If "time_sig_change", the time signature is changed to match the duration of the measure. This also ensure the beat and downbeats position are coherent in case of incomplete measures later in the score. minimum_ppq : int, optional Minimum ppq to use for the MIDI file. If the ppq of the score is less, it will be doubled until it is above the threshold. This is useful because some libraries like miditok require a certain minimum ppq to work properly. Returns ------- None or MidiFile If no output is specified using `out`, the function returns a `MidiFile` object. Otherwise, the function returns None. """ if isinstance(score_data, Score): parts = elif isinstance(score_data, (Part, PartGroup)): parts = [score_data] elif isinstance(score_data, Iterable): parts = score_data else: raise ValueError( "`score_data` should be a `Score`, a `Part`, a `PartGroup" f" or a list of `Part` instances but is {type(score_data)}" ) ppq = get_ppq(parts) # double it until it is above the minimum level. # Doubling instead of setting it ensure that the common divisors stay the same. while ppq < minimum_ppq: ppq = ppq * 2 events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) meta_events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) event_keys = OrderedDict() tempos = {} quarter_maps = [part.quarter_map for part in score.iter_parts(parts)] first_time_point = min(qm(0) for qm in quarter_maps) ftp = 0 # Deal with anacrusis if first_time_point < 0: if anacrusis_behavior == "shift" or anacrusis_behavior == "time_sig_change": ftp = first_time_point elif anacrusis_behavior == "pad_bar": time_signatures = [] for qm, part in zip(quarter_maps, score.iter_parts(parts)): ts_beats, ts_beat_type, ts_mus_beats = part.time_signature_map(0) time_signatures.append((ts_beats, ts_beat_type, qm(0))) # sort ts according to time time_signatures.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) ftp = -time_signatures[0][0] / (time_signatures[0][1] / 4) else: raise Exception( 'Invalid anacrusis_behavior value, must be one of ("shift", "pad_bar")' ) for qm, part in zip(quarter_maps, score.iter_parts(parts)): pg = get_partgroup(part) notes = part.notes_tied def to_ppq(t): # convert div times to new ppq return int(ppq * (qm(t) - ftp)) for tp in part.iter_all(score.Tempo): tempos[to_ppq(tp.start.t)] = MetaMessage( "set_tempo", tempo=tp.microseconds_per_quarter ) if anacrusis_behavior == "time_sig_change": # Change time signature to match the duration of the measure # This ensure the beat and downbeats position are coherent # in case of incomplete measures later in the score. all_ts = list(part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature)) ts_changing_time = [ts.start.t for ts in all_ts] for measure in part.iter_all(score.Measure): m_duration_beat = part.beat_map(measure.end.t) - part.beat_map( measure.start.t ) m_ts = part.time_signature_map(measure.start.t) if m_duration_beat != m_ts[0]: # add ts change # TODO: add support for changing the beat type if number of beats is not integer meta_events[part][to_ppq(measure.start.t)].append( MetaMessage( "time_signature", numerator=int(m_duration_beat), denominator=int(m_ts[1]), ) ) ts_changing_time.append( measure.start.t ) # keep track of changing the ts # now go back to original ts if there is no ts change after this measure if not any([ts_t > measure.start.t for ts_t in ts_changing_time]): meta_events[part][to_ppq(measure.end.t)].append( MetaMessage( "time_signature", numerator=int(m_ts[0]), denominator=int(m_ts[1]), ) ) # filter out the multiple ts changes at the same time # this happens when multiple measure in a row have wrong duration for t in meta_events[part].keys(): if len(meta_events[part][t]) == 2: meta_events[part][t] = meta_events[part][t][1:] # now add the normal time signature change for ts in part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature): if ts.start.t in ts_changing_time: # don't add if something is already added at this time to cover the case of a ts change when the first measure is shorter/longer pass else: meta_events[part][to_ppq(ts.start.t)].append( MetaMessage( "time_signature",, denominator=ts.beat_type, ) ) else: # just add the time signature that are explicit in partitura for i, ts in enumerate(part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature)): if anacrusis_behavior == "pad_bar" and i == 0: # shift the first time signature to 0 so MIDI players can pick up the correct measure position meta_events[part][0].append( MetaMessage( "time_signature",, denominator=ts.beat_type, ) ) else: # follow the position in the partitura part meta_events[part][to_ppq(ts.start.t)].append( MetaMessage( "time_signature",, denominator=ts.beat_type, ) ) for ks in part.iter_all(score.KeySignature): meta_events[part][to_ppq(ks.start.t)].append( MetaMessage("key_signature", ) for note in notes: # key is a tuple (part_group, part, voice) that will be # converted into a (track, channel) pair. key = (pg, part, note.voice) events[key][to_ppq(note.start.t)].append( Message("note_on", note=note.midi_pitch) ) events[key][to_ppq(note.start.t + note.duration_tied)].append( Message("note_off", note=note.midi_pitch) ) event_keys[key] = True tr_ch_map = map_to_track_channel(list(event_keys.keys()), part_voice_assign_mode) # replace original event keys (partgroup, part, voice) by (track, ch) keys: for key in list(events.keys()): evs_by_time = events[key] del events[key] tr, ch = tr_ch_map[key] for t, evs in evs_by_time.items(): events[tr][t].extend((ev.copy(channel=ch) for ev in evs)) # figure out in which tracks to replicate the time/key signatures of each part part_track_map = partition(lambda x: x[0][1], tr_ch_map.items()) for part, rest in part_track_map.items(): part_track_map[part] = set(x[1][0] for x in rest) # add the time/key sigs to their corresponding tracks for part, m_events in meta_events.items(): tracks = part_track_map[part] for tr in tracks: for t, me in m_events.items(): events[tr][t] = me + events[tr][t] n_tracks = max(tr for tr, _ in tr_ch_map.values()) + 1 tracks = [MidiTrack() for _ in range(n_tracks)] # tempo events are handled differently from key/time sigs because the have a # global effect. Instead of adding to each relevant track, like the key/time # sig events, we add them only to the first track for t, tp in tempos.items(): events[0][t].insert(0, tp) for tr, events_by_time in events.items(): t_prev = 0 for t in sorted(events_by_time.keys()): evs = events_by_time[t] delta = t - t_prev for ev in evs: tracks[tr].append(ev.copy(time=delta)) delta = 0 t_prev = t midi_type = 0 if n_tracks == 1 else 1 mf = MidiFile(type=midi_type, ticks_per_beat=ppq) for track in tracks: mf.tracks.append(track) if out: if hasattr(out, "write"): else: else: return mf